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Thanks for the update. I like rune’s route. I think his back story is better than burry’s, even though I like mc with burry more (rune’s backstory actually made me like him more). With that, I must say I wish the pool scene was more different? I feel like it’s a bit similar to burry’s, but less impactful, with the empathy especially.

Can i get some help, i cant stop dying how do i win?

which part of the game you have trouble with? Paying attention to what elon said everytime you die helps a lot.

nvm i found out, and got that juicy husky meat


I just notice in Every route Thistle always die. 😭

(1 edit)

He is pretty old tho… :( dying only a year later if you save him…


Alright, here's the thing:
I will never, ever ever ever, ever ever ever, kick a dog in the snout.

I tried it with burry. Now I can't get rid of his ffaceon my mind after doing that. I don't recommend it

My older brother tried it with Rune and regretted it instantly.


I was playing this vn and doing Rune's route, and I have been wondering something...during the time he was talking to Luke in the bathhouse(I think at least)...he said he wants to grow closer to Luke, so here is my question...does he like, LIKE Luke? Just Wondering is all, it's okay if he doesn't

  I think so


how can l gat the nsfw scene for rune? for me the game just ends.


You have to take the eye-gem to the baths with you. Burry should offer it to you when you get ready to leave the tavern. After that, just keep following Rune’s route and you should get it. Key difference that happens is when Rune uses the eye-gem (putting it in his closed eye), and his sprite will show a golden yellow eye on one side!

I've tried yet still can't get there. Could you be more precise pls Im desperate.

(2 edits)

What part do you need exactly? Do you still need to get the gem? Or is it during/after a specific scene like the baths or the rooftop?

I managed to get the gem but even in the baths the playthrough is the same only that we aknowlegde the gem unless I miss something by skipping.

You just have to make sure it doesn’t break! Catch it when Rune tosses it to you! If you have done everything else, that should get you there! And if you need anymore help, just ask.


thank you mate i have been struggling with this!

just decided to delete all saves when asked and its both worth it and not worth it at the same time in conflicted. 

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"there's no hope for him no matter how many time you try."

Evidences are gathering since the beginning, with each ends. Its not just about saving all the dogs. It is but a theory, but i'm questionning if max's end will truly be the true ending of the game...

I hope not, I love tormenting Alon and I want Cooper snuggs.


That ending was wild, I can't believe I got scolded like that by Alon, FOR THAT 🤣 Still it was hilarious and the best.  But now I'm questioning what I missed...did anyone "take his deal"?

I did lmao

What was his "hand drawing" was it priceless? 😃

yeah it was cute drawing and a little info about him


Dang it!  Oh well maybe I'll go back someday.  My saves are a mess 😂

Say...I've been trying to Save Thistle and Rune's class out of the Garden but I can't seem to save all of them. I think what I'm missing is getting to know everyone's names but the Great Dane isn't giving me his. it not possible to save all of them?


its not possible yet to save all of them, you gotta choose

(3 edits)

does anyone know how get the glass eye to work when your in the bath with Rune and the others so you can give it to Rune later?


Have you tried to ask Alon for help? Maybe make a bet with him? ;3

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Maybe im so stupid, but idk eng lang on normal lvl. How to beat the end of COORDINATION, help pls.

(I know the first anwser is a C8)


Spoilder all the answer is C8. B6, D5, F4, G2




Just how to complete "Accept Teak's duel and survive" and "Escape the Gardens with the dogs from Rune's sword fighting class during Night's events" to do list? I've been stuck at those two so long ☠️


To survive teak duel, let the timer run out when the attack option is prompted. For the escape, I think you have to do max route a bit, then get to know the names of the dogs in rune's class. Choose fight till death or something after the puzzle stuff.


Thanks, i'll definitely try this.


Is there a way to "Make your spirit burn bright" at Max's concert? If so please tell me because i'm clueless as to what to do there.

(1 edit) (+2)

Currently, no… But when Raus continues Max’s route, it will most likely be a choice!


Is there any route for cooper 

(1 edit) (+3)

I don't normally leave comments here or anywhere for the matter. 

But my dogs! Continuing Rune's route at 12 am, with 75% volume on my headphones, was the best and worst decision I made yesterday. I literally looked around myself when the subtle, haunting sounds started! Genuinely made me go, "Hang on, what is that noise!?!?" Before realizing that it was a sound effect. Bravo! You lot spooked me something firece and left me unnerved until I reached the end of the update, hahah!

(1 edit) (+1)

Alright, so... question.
After I get the scene with the Turret, I have to escape the monsters. Then the only ways to get off the roof. Jumping. Or... certain death.
No matter what I do, I still fall to my death. What do I do?


If you're talking about the one where you have the continuous option to "Calm down", then you have to run the timer down, but click the button before it actually runs out. Do that a few times, and you should be alright.

*whines in dog* But that never works
I usually wind up falling to my death


Here, man, I made a video to help you and anyone else struggling. :)

(Potential spoiler warning)


I'm so happy, I could kiss you! (Not literally, of course)

No problem! :D


Very nice of you, Shadow!
Upvoted! :D


Thanks, Raus! <3 Thank you for all the awesome Shelter updates. :3


I think I got blueballed by this shelter update

Question is there a new nsfw scene with rune or not?


Not yet. But in the next build there will be! If you get the gem for Rune at least!

i have analised the gem in the bath and saved before he puts the gem in the eye socket but when i load the save file, it continues without rune putting the eye in. Is it a glitch? or do i need to start a new save? 

Whoa an update today? Just yesterday i thought about reading this vn again once it updated to the public, what a nice surprise :3



My only regret, is that you describe Rune's ass as perfect but we never get to see any ass ;_; Everything else is perfect

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the only real question, the true mystery, the final Truth


Ideed! By the way, I hope this doesn't sound weird, but you have a cute sona.

Is there a way to reset progress? I'm trying to do the new update, but my save files are a mess

Are you on PC? If so, just hover your mouse over the save files and then hit the delete key on your keyboard.

how to unlock all mystery figure?

Follow the To Do list! It helps out a lot. I can suggest to pay attention to what the hint quote is, once it appears, look around carefully!

(1 edit)

imagine if after getting all the endings and barkest corners we got a setting to be able to see the mc's sprite along with the bois

edit:(i meant from the start like 100% of the time)

Can someone help me? I am playing the mobile version, and i'm stuck on the part where you have to input a pin code on the bomb, but i can't click confirm on my phone, help

I've never had anyone with a problem like that. You use the same button you always press to send messages on your phone. If that doesn't work for you, must be a phone problem. Luckily you're still at the very start of the game so you can switch to a different device if that's the problem.


I'm... conflicted about this game. Don't get me wrong, i absolutely love the story and the effort put in but damn does it give me depression...


Man, I really love this visual novel. I have to admit that I'm one those people who didn't use to play furry games, but this story swept me off my feet and actually made me check some other furry games out there (and I realized there are so many good ones! Now I'm kinda into furry too...) 

But what I want to say is, Shelter is my "first (furry game) love"  pffft. I love the story and characters for what they are and I'm always looking forward to every update. Thank you so much for making this game. 

Also... I'm absolutely in love with Rune. 


Dawww thank you so much, mate! It's very flattering to be your very first :3
I'm always looking forward to every update too, and seeing more people experiencing this story and those characters. I hope you'll keep enjoying what comes in the future!


I want more Alon Route Please. I love his dominant nature over my mc lol.

I want help for sex scenes for rune ,burry,alon

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Burry you just need to do his route, Alon’s you need to take one of his deals. As for Rune, you need to “go to lunch” with him.

what do you mean do his route?? i never get the sex scene with burry only the dream sequence.. ive tried his route in all sorts of different ways?? what do i need to umlock for it?

Does that one aggressive dog have a route of his own? I think i asked this before but i forgot the answer.

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That would be Teak (most likely) or Alon. Neither of them have any routes yet, but there might be something in the future!

Question about Patreon Billing 

I'm asking it here since Im not sure this would fit in #shelter-help.

When does Patreon charge for GMT+8? Asking since I wouldn't want to get double charged lol. Would November 1 of the same timezone be considered the 1st or last day? 



That issue shouldn't happen anymore. Patreon finally gave us an option to change the billing schedule to a better one and I enabled it right away!

Now, if everything works as advertised, you're going to be charged every month on the day in the month you first subscribed. So even if you subscribe on the last day of the month, next time you should be charged at the last day of the month after that without double charging :)

La parte donde aparecen unos números como B6,E1,H8 cómo lo resuelvo?

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It's a puzzle. If you have problems with it, Alon will give you a game breaking hint in that Barkest Corner which will make it absolutely trivial, but you have to be patient to get it ;)

Still, you'll have a hard time if you don't speak English.


I do not know why, but every time I see a dog pun I am filled with surprise.

Any guides for Alon's route???

I'm not 100% sure but I think there is no Alon route as of yet.

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Yet? Nicee I actually like Alon.

Sad that it ain't sure if would have one though but still.

I would say Alon is Rausmutt's self-insert more than anything, or maybe a guide not completely separate from the story. I don't know how a fictional Alon route would interact with The Barkest Corner so I have no idea if that route is a possibility at all or not.


He's not my self-insert. I'm nowhere near THAT cool lol :P

I think people are misinterpreting the fact he used to be my DnD character for a short adventure in the past.

(1 edit)

Oh, than is The Barkest Corner connected to the Alon in the story, or are they separate?

I honestly thought your self-insert is Dandelion.

Really only thing that we have from Alon is the table, baths, and fight scenes… We might get something in the future!

How do you invite the black wolf to the baths? I've followed a couple of play-throughs, but they don't seem to have an answer!

You need to beat him on the coin flips

How do I get to that scene? Is there anything I have to do? So far the only thing I get is a conversation with the black wolf guy and that's about it.


You have to talk about weapons in the morning with rune and tisthel, after that you choose the redder the better and you Will unlock a especial dialogue with him, once you get the chance talk with alon, you need to ask for his sexual life and you'll get the coin toss option.

I recomend save before the coin toss so you can be faster at the time of save and reload.

As FadingTrust said, you need to beat the coin flip bet he makes. I would suggest saving when the two options that say [Give Up] and [Take the bet!]. That’ll help!


You actually don't need to beat it. You only need to take it. Losing and going under the table works too



Hey, how do I update my game with the most recent and not lose any progress? I do not know if that is an issue in the first place but I know almost 0 about this and updating my other VN in general. I do not know if I have to move stuff from one file to another or if I just get a whole new file and if that will make me lose progress.

and I'm aware this novel is somewhat different from others as I have to go through different routes to change or unlock things in other routes or on second runs. This makes me ask the advice for this one even more as I don't even remember what I need to go through for the unlocks anymore.

When a new update has come out and I have to download it again, I just download the newest build while leaving the older build on the device, check to see if my progress has transferred over, then delete the old build. Ex: Download v26 while v25 is still on the device. Open v26 and check saves, unlocks, CGs, and Barkest Corners. Once you see they are all there, delete v25. Hope this helps!


Thanks, it worked. 

Hey, How do i pass the canine mana control test? I am suposed to Just click faster? (English its my 2 lenguange so sorry if it is bad rn)

Kind of? You really have to click at the right time. (When the bar is almost out)

And your English is pretty good!


Aaaaaa fuck me man, ty btw 

I need to ask is it 64 bit only now? I can't play if that's the case

Yeah it is. Android build works great if you have a phone

I can't even do that. It just keeps crashing at the start

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