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Cooopeer T-T


I'm a bit confused. How do you start Cooper's route?


It's a part of Max's night route.


It's so amazing, I love it!

hello, I love the game and I'm here to ask if I can make an magic server (idk how it is called in english, my English is bad) using chaos magic, the autor should know what I'm talking about, maybe. I want use it with burry

Hey mate! Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. Could you try to explain?


Does anyone have the recipe for the sauce that Burry and Luke made?


The simpler/quicker version of it is one of the pinned messages on my Discord's #food-channel but that's the version without butter, celery, carrot and wine. It's still delicious, but I think I'll add the full recipe as an unlockable article in Shelter's gallery someday too, in EXTRAS section or something. It's fantastic for winning over people's hearts wherever you go <3


Thank you very much!


Just did a whole lot of catching up and went through all of Burry and Rune's routes and I just have to ask...

Who put all these tears in my eyes?

This dogdamned VN shouldn't be allowed to hit such fantastic emotional notes, though now I'm gonna have to awoo until Max's part is fully done so I can go through that in one fell swoop!

P.S. Pretty sneaky with what's going on regarding one particular dog. Dunno if he'll show up in Max's route or be resolved in a secret route, looking forward to it!


I appreciate how much effort you guys put in to create the character Gunner. When I look at him I see my own dad. He is strict, stubborn, insufferable, but indeed a righteous man, in a sense.

I might have a question right about now, can I update to version 30 from 29 without losing all my saves and progress?

(1 edit)

If you have enough space, download v30 while you still have v29 on your device, and just make sure your saves and progress transfers over! It should save just fine, even if you delete the previous version, but that’s how I make sure mine are good!


Thank you very much.


i feel sad, i dont speak english and i cant read it. im waiting for an youtuber who dont update gameplays about the game since 1 year ago...


Supongo que te refieres a NaokyCooper. Me gustan mucho sus vídeos y espero que vuelva a jugar a Shelter algún día :) Quizás podrías intentar mandarle un mensaje al respecto. Dos de las rutas ya están terminadas. 


Literally made an account just to say I'm looking forward to where Max's route goes and if the others will get some form of extention in later builds.

Even with all the horny stuff I can't help but love these dumbass dogs... 


They heard your voice!

Damn you right, though they were probably working on Max's route anyway since it is/was the only unfinished one

If raus IS looking at specifically my comment, first off hi (and awoo), second please please please let there be the dawn of a new day after skies ablaze

(1 edit) (+7)

I wonder if Cooper has or will have a route.... Awoo~! Mayhaps it would be a great route addition!


I wish so too


I hope so 

(4 edits) (+3)

Hopefully.  I like to speculate that there will be a final fourth Route. Our Black Wolf Friend has often teased Luke that he cannot save everyone and there is simple not enough time. So maybe Luke will be forced to decide between saving Cooper or Max on Max Route, one of them will be killed. (Rausmutt wanted to switch up a few thing after all).  Saveing Cooper gives Luke valubale insight in Authority among the good boys, maybe allowing him to finally rally the frightful Shiba and Great Dane. 

In the end Luke need to save Cooper and Max at least once and play all the good endings of the other Route to unlock the Final Route that is focused on all characters at once including Cooper AND Teak !!

So the Final Route with Teak can play out like this: 

After the Intro Luke listens to Teak and Max to hear about Cooper Injury. then Luke will join Burry to cook a meal for cooper alone. [ Time spend with Burry; CHECK!] . Once afternoon arrives, Luke goes to Cooper first. This time around Cooper wins over his "anxiety towards Luke" and we got a nice Chat between Cooper, Twistle  and Luke about what happened, twistle new Rifle and Teaks past maybe.  [Time spend with Cooper and Twistle: CHECK!] Teak also joins instead of casuing a fit. After that Teak and Luke both join Runes Training; [Time spend with Rune and his class: CHECK!] from now on Luke and Teak will stay together for most of the day. This time the siuation between Teak and Luke get resolved, thanks to Coopers stories about teak past. After Rune and Luke got the closing chat, Luke and Teak leave to met Max, spending time with him and Dandelion. [Time spend with Max and Dandelion: CHECK!] Maybe Teak and cooper will then join the Bath with the others. 

Thats my prediction.  Take care.


(1 edit)

How do I start alon's route? I met him once during the first multiple choice with him as an option. Im not finding anything else. Any ideas? Im new to this game

Alon doesn't have a route, if you want to talk to him more you will have to unlock the bad endings. You can also see him be a badass if you go down Burry route

You need to do something especific, check what you have not done

Ooh that was a nice tie in with Rune's bad end


Just wanna share that I endorsed Alon's  proposal to delete all the progress I earned. Plus, since my mother tongue is Chinese, it took me around 40h to go through every single words for Burry's and Rune's stories. 

And now, recommencing and making it to all possible endings, it adds up to 77h. Just wanna tell everyone it's all because Shelter is such an insanely dogdamn appealing story!  For me puns are really fun, while the fact that the tiniest choices may render different descriptions of specific plot makes me even more eager to excavate every dark secrets concealed. Knot wonder it's a laborious process for the playwright. Sincerely thanks for all the love devoted into Shelter! :)  Awoo~


Btw I do take amounts of notes. Wonder if I can have  some chances to share with others, the details are sooooo amazing. Rough Rough! 

Last to say! 我也觉得Cooper超~可爱~I also find coned blushed Cooper is hecking cute! See, nothing can match the depravity of a saint~ But for his good plz burn the corrupted script ok? Will you? (whining)

(1 edit) (+1)

It's a wonderful novel 

I only finnished Burry route but i like it

But when i finnished it i felt a bit dissatisfy

When the route finnished i notice Burry become a innitiative dog and i want to see more about that 

So i wonder we well have Season 2 or not ?

Can we see more in extensions or other work ?

cooper好可爱,我好爱他( ᵒ̴̶̷̤໐ᵒ̴̶̷̤ )








5 dots






0 dots 

Sun breathing second form: Clear blue sky

Who's the dog to the far right in the banner?

His Name is Cooper

Huh. That question's been on my mind for a while now, but I just didn't think to ask.

(1 edit) (+2)

What a wonderful novel! Finished my first route with the best boi Rune, and ah, couldn't stay silent.

I'm so glad there are VNs like this one.

The plot is indeed intriguing - feels like comedy at first, but as well as you delve into it more, find more Barkest Corners, get to know characters (Even Teak, for instance), the book suddenly becomes more and more serious.

I was just "oh, wow, Rune actually got a new sprite, so serious!" after some time through his route. (By the way, could we get to see and play around with this special sprite in the gallery menu? Sad not to see it there.)

I really like how the MC develops too. At the beginning feels almost like a placeholder with vague representation through CG, but as the plot moves forward, he gets more motivation and more description, more deepness. Delightful approach!

Anyways, can't wait to see other characters developing too, can't wait to see more Rune in maybe other routes, can't wait to see the novel to realize its full potential :)

If you input the wrong password on the bomb, it forces you to put in the wrong pin every time. Is this intended? I just wanted to know if it would lead to another silly, alternate ending.


hey if Luke was a dog what species would he be?  I'm just being a little curious.


I was thinking him being a wolf. After all, if memory serves right, Luke is supposed to be a name derived from the Greek "Lycos" meaning wolf.

If that's not the case, maybe a German Shepherd then (or a Dalmatian).


The german Version of Luke comes from "leucos" (=light, bright, white) , it mean the "one born at dawn / in light".

Luke Skywalker mean "the bright one walking in the sky (chasing the sun or moon)."

Thanks for this interesting information!


Cheat sheet: 









Ignore its that in case I accidentally delete my notes 💀

My coin notes differ from yours. Is it randomly generated, or is it the same in a different order?

idk 💀 but I do remember me outting the same ones per different versions 

Randomly generated, you can save between each throw at least in previous updates.

(1 edit)
This is super amazing the context and the plot it just super good (but I only played burry route tho but Idk it's still amazing)

Can I please name all the music playing in this piece? Or at least the one that played at the moment when they wrote to the main character saying "Finally you smiled!"


The Annihilation ending is so brutal. Like damn... Luke would of had some nasty PTSD if he didn't die.


How tall is Luke compared to the other dogs?

Luke is, at best, 5'6, while the other dogs are closer to, like, 6' to 6'5, maybe 7'.


Just got kidnapped by alon.. Presented with the choice... I just
with this writing
what do i say

For max route, is it still in progress, like it just goes straight to the credits for me after the baths

(1 edit)

Are you using version 28, or version 29? V28 is the update that finished Rune’s route. V29 (only released on Raus’s Patreon) is the update that continues Max’s route.

Is there a sex scene with Burry and if thrre is how do I unlock it, i dont know what steps to do from the todo list. 

(2 edits)

Yes there is.

Scroll down. I'm pretty sure this question was answered here multiple times.


Use the bomb on the roof... I think that's what gets it.

Im trying to unlock rune sexy scene, but having trouble. I have give back the relic to Teak and got Alon to come to the baths, how do I make Rune get the relic during training and have it as his eye, that is what im having trobule and is there anything else to unlock this scene or is the having Rune recieve the relic and wearing it the last thing

Since you gave the relic to Teak, he will give to Rune in the training. In the baths he will ask you to inspect it throwing at you, you have to catch in time. Rune sexy scene it's way before that and isn't related

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, I meant how to get Rune fucking us sexy scene, i already did the inspect his junk scene

If you already inspect his junk, just need to go with him for lunch before go to the tower. But it's not a fuck scene exactly 

Thank you for the help mate, but you're confusing a second person now haha. Read the latest devlog. I wrote about the sex scene there.

You get it by completing TO DO list, just like every other important scene in the game.

I only know the scene about the handjob to inspect cum with mana vision, and since he said about inspect his junk, I think it's about that scene. I didn't play the lasted version, so that must be why I didn't know other scene

(2 edits)

what's the code for the bomb? I've either forgotten it or did not know what the code was, and I wanna save ma bois

(1 edit)

You set the code when you deactivate the bomb in the morning. I guess you forgot it?

If anyone else here uses Joiplay to play Shelter, could you tell me if you are also having trouble getting the game to run?

Nevermind, I was able solve the issue.

Awooo :)

So, I've been wondering how do I save all my progress so I can export it later to the next uptade? before I just used to make a copy of my saves but doing so now apparently erases all my progress with the gallery and such

(Love this vn btw, so far one of the best ones out there)

(1 edit) (+1)

To make sure my saves are transferred, once a new update is released, I keep the previous version. After I make sure that my saves and unlocks are there in the new version, I delete the older. Example: v28 comes out, and I have v27 installed already. I install v28 and open it to check my saves, gallery, CGs, etc. Once I know everything is there, I delete v27. That’s how I’ve always done it, but it should save everything if you have previously had it on your device. (sorry I went so long…)

Wait we can save cooper in Rune route how???

You have to invite a certain someone to the bathtime

I invited alon but i din't give me the option or scene to rescue cooper how?

You have to not use the bomb and make the right choices to return where you were. Then Luke will call for Alon who will help with the monsters. Don't know if it needs anything else, I was just doing the to do list in every route and was able to call for help

I'd like your help please. I wanna save Cooper in Rune's route. So I've done the to-do list entirely (not counting all the barkest corners) and I still can't save Coope in the end, it says he wasn't in his bed and there were no traces of Alon either. What do you mean by returning where I was? Return where exactly? And how do you return to the place you're talking about? What monsters is Alon going to help with? In the garden? And just to be super specific you're not supposed to use the bomb on the door when escaping the baths right (I assume so)?

Well, one at a time. The bakest corners are important, some information you only get from Alon there. Go to them, especially the ones because of Cooper. To save Cooper you will make a path with some turns until getting him, you'll have to come back all the way correctly, choosing the opposite directions from the ones to arrive in that room. In the last room moving back, Alon will help you, since Cooper is down and you are outnumbered. And last, yes, if you don't use the bomb to blow the door, Alon will appear to help you, so he will be near after you leave the bath and go to save Cooper, at least I think that makes him stay close. If you try to save him without Alon, Cooper will make a sacrifice for you and die. 

Forgot the code for the bomb bc it's been months since I've played... I absolutely love this game though and I'm LOVING Runes route so far <3


hadn't heard of any female in this visual novel, like, how are dogs born? you can't just use the magic excuse to explain that, there's the word "daddy" in the vocabulary.

(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

I'm pretty sure some of the dogs have mentioned having mothers, we just don't see any females in this game because... fan-service? For some reason, every single dog in Shelter seems to be unabashedly homosexual and have rampant sexual tension with each other, with not a female in sight. After all, for all the great worldbuilding and story-telling Raus has done, a large part of this game's purpose is to have horny dogs talk about (and do) gay sex.

As part of the target demographic, I'm not exactly complaining... but it's very odd from a worldbuilding perspective. There are women in this universe, I guess they're just... banned from Shelter? Maybe it's a population control thing so Shelter doesn't become too crowded? Maybe all dogs are misogynists. I'm not sure Raus expected us to think about it or really care. Maybe he himself didn't even notice.

I'm only speculating, but Shelter looks like a place for soldiers and excavators to come and go so the population thing isn't really an issue. Maybe there are women, they just aren't really mentioned because it's a turnoff for some readers even though there are very few sex scenes.

Forgive the soapbox here... Yeah, there's a subset of people in the FVN community who seem to think that having a single female character in a gay story, even in completely nonsexual scenarios, is some sort of cardinal sin. I'm not exactly going to lose sleep over the lack of inclusion; a gay FVN is a very niche genre to begin with. It's not like they're meant to appeal to a general audience. But it's still kinda disappointing that some people in this community feel that way. Then again, sometimes works that do feature female characters (especially when there's literally only one woman) make their personalities feel half-baked and don't give them anything important to do in the plot. I guess if you know you don't actually have anything for them to do, it's better to leave them out entirely? I don't know.

I think your later conclusion fits best. There isn't typically a role for women to play in these kinds of FVN. If the sole focus is world-building immersion, then yes. However, I believe this creator is trying to flesh out characters they've already come up with and refining the dynamics between them. Trying to answer "why aren't there any women" in terms of world-building is a huge distraction for the writer's interest.

I can't really say I've read many FVNs with good female characters either. They're usually token characters that make rare appearances like Maria from ExcA or Cynthia from TSR.  These characters are a nuisance to the story because they often kill the pacing and they don't offer much to the story so it's difficult to justify them being there. I still like them, they have interesting personalities, but they could do more than just make an appearance, nag you, then disappear for awhile as the main story continues. They become bland and predictable, and it makes the reader hate them in a way. 

I'd say the better female character would be Virginia from Adastra. She doesn't appear often, but when she does, it's typically about her motives, her alliances, and her position as a woman in power. Personally, I don't really love her as a character either because she comes off as nagging you or her brother, but she does have some bittersweet moments. 

Most creators who make FVNs have the goal to curate a roster of characters to romantically or sexually appeal to as many people as possible to gather support for their game. As these creators are usually single in person, and often only experienced in some coding and drawing.  I'd say leave it to the people that want to make good, well-flushed out female characters that fit into the environment they've curated.  While it certainly doesn't do it justice,  it's best for the target audience that probably both want a men-love-men furry romance AND an interesting storyline that's well-immersed.  Therefore, male characters take higher priority to accomplish these two tasks.

I'm sorry, but where is the reset thing?

It appears after Rune’s ending. Alon will congratulate you on getting another ending and give you an option to reset your save slots (deleting them in the process). I think it only appears once, when you first get the ending.

I just did the reset thing, I hated it🤣 Rune's route is amazing and the ending is *chef's kiss*


60 hrs of playtime lost, but it was worth it
It was... really worth it...
.................Ehem! Thanks, Raus!


You're welcome! And I'm glad!
Even though I was clear I didn't recommend it haha

Planning to wait until I finish it then do it so I can enjoy it all over again. (Tormenting Alon into making cute faces is my personal past-time)

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