Is there anything hidden within the Alon section where you try to not blink? I'm quite curious to see if there's something behind it, or I might be wasting time on it, either way I'm wondering if it does something other than eventually continue the story along.
Soo question does Cooper like luke in the game cause that would be sooooo great cause it's so adorable the way he gets all blushy whenever luke is around him
Try to go back to the scene when Rune approaches you at Noon in the tavern. If you decide to join him outside, a choice should appear about what version of the scene to see :3
Everyone is S tier in my book. They all have a certain charm for them. While they are not perfect, they are the best of themselves and I like how the story portray them.
I think for the next update I'll make them easier to unlock them.
Like, all of dogdong version pics will get unlocked if you finish the scene in any way, then the same for human dong version of the scene. I've been seeing many people having problems with those unlockables but luckily that's an easy change.
I need help. How are yall maintaining that concentration for 10 secs when attempting pqck mentality?? No matter how fast i click. The closest i reach is 0.7.
I have no idea for Iphone, but on android you'll have to search with your explorer the saves file. In my case it's store in Android/data/{game folder}/saves/{the file you want to keep}
All you have to do is to copy them and store them somewhere, they should work on the new phone.
He's actually intended to be not the player's self insert, and more of a character with his own personality and a great dissonance of available information between him and the player... and I have a proper unobscured appearance for him but I'm leaving it for a special occasion. ;) Don't hold your breath though lol.
I talked to him and that's exactly why I am trying not to judge, and the fact that the author said that this next scene between him and mc is one of the main reasons why he wrote Teak, so patient is key I guess
First you must have completed Burry's afternoon in any playthrough. Then when you get to attempting Pack Mentality in Rune's route, you will get a ten seconds countdown and a prompt. Keep your focus for those ten seconds and you succeed :)
You should have a much easier time starting from the next update (v10). I started adding a piece of script from a relevant moment in the scene, for every hint on hidden Alon. So you'll be able to at least know for sure at which slide he is ;)
So I had a question. How can you find the mysterious stranger in burry kitchen? I’ve literally observed every detail and didn’t see anything unusual. Also, I was hoping that the game lets there be anthro and feral versions. I know patrons have a big say but it’s be nice to be able to choose. The game really has a lot of potential. I can’t wait to see more. So many visual novels are anthro based and such. It’s nice to see a variety. I feel like there should be a survivor or stasis in there with a human that knows about shelter. Add more fun!~ I’m curious if mana is like the table of elements. Like chemistry. I really hope it continues! Exploration is fun! Also uh I’m curious if anyone has any ideas for great VN. I find I enjoy new things. Love the novel!
Keep an eye on the oven in the background throughout the scene; he'll eventually show up, but he can be really hard to see if you don't know where to look.
Awoo to you too! I'll tell you all of them. In the future all of the info like that will be unlockable in Gallery > Characters > Bio, once I get to implementing that :D
Aaa! Thanks so much! That helped a lot! Also i can't wait for the next updates! I'm really intrigued by what's gonna happen next on Rune's route! Keep up the amazing work mate!
Does anyone know if there will be a side story talking about Rune and Luke's back story together? Rune is just my favorite character and I would love to see more of him and maybe their backstory to see their developmen
I want to like Teak as a character and give him the benefit of the doubt, really I do, but it feels like his aggression towards Luke is way too exaggerated without any real reason being given or even really alluded to, especially compared to Teak's interactions with the rest of the cast. Like, Teak will be having a relatively normal interaction with another dog, then stop just to yell across the room at Luke to screw-off and die; he's cartoonishly mean to Luke and we aren't given anything close to a real explanation for it other than what basically amounts to an offhanded "Don't take what Teak says personally; he's just racist!", and that's only if you bring it up while cooking with Burry.
I just can't take Teak seriously as a character because of how little acknowledgement and consequence there is for Teak's behavior - the exact behavior that got Cooper severely injured and almost killed him. In fact, Cooper seems to be the only character that does take Teak's behavior seriously and reprimands him for it.
We see Teak have some relatively positive/emotional/constructive interactions with characters other than Luke, but the way I see it, all it really accomplishes is calling further attention to just how unreasonably antagonistic Teak is towards Luke. All I really want is for just a little more depth to be worked into this plotline; a few small allusions to Teak having some kind of deeper, more complicated feelings/thoughts of Luke, or if more characters were to genuinely acknowledge Teak's behavior and say/do something about it, or something! There really is more to Teak's character than just being an aggressive, self-absorbed asshole, but that's the only aspect of Teak's character that's ever directed at Luke and it just makes him feel more one-dimensional than he really is, which is a real shame for one of the main characters of an otherwise great game.
I'm probably in the extreme minority here (?), but I actually really like Teak. Yeah, I know he's rough as hell with Luke, but I feel like there's a lot of potential for understanding to grow between them, and perhaps Luke, from his unique perspective as a human and 'outsider', being able to help Teak in ways others maybe couldn't? Honestly, I love all of the good bois in the game, but I just find myself most intrigued by Teak. There's no reason why this route can't be absolutely amazing, and I'm really looking forward to future updates with Teak in them. :)
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How do I get romantically involved with RUNE?
I mean the game isn't in dev far enough for relationships to take hold yet. But go to his training and that seems to set you on his route.
someone help? can i have the screenshot of the exact screen where i can find it? ive read over that part 10 times my head hurts but still cant find it
edit: if the image doesnt show up its the Burry's kitchen in Late Afternoon: "now comes the harder part..." 's mysterious figure scene
I don’t know if it counts as a “spoiler” but still:
If you can’t find him, look for Alon when Luke uses the magic knife.
oh kay so the knife section. thank you
I've played this a couple of times, but still confused as to whether Teak is meant to be romancable or not?
Is there anything hidden within the Alon section where you try to not blink? I'm quite curious to see if there's something behind it, or I might be wasting time on it, either way I'm wondering if it does something other than eventually continue the story along.
Soo question does Cooper like luke in the game cause that would be sooooo great cause it's so adorable the way he gets all blushy whenever luke is around him
what are your plans with all the pups in rune's training scene?
also will you make the "H" and "S" buttons work again?
When is the next update?
Feb 12
hi, refusing to "masturbate" the husky, to unlock the new option - human dong, but where i can watch it with human dong? Thanks for answer
Try to go back to the scene when Rune approaches you at Noon in the tavern. If you decide to join him outside, a choice should appear about what version of the scene to see :3
Everyone is S tier in my book. They all have a certain charm for them. While they are not perfect, they are the best of themselves and I like how the story portray them.
Ok now
up for teak and down for cooper
I'll press down cause im obsessed with that cute guy
Wow so many vote for cooper huh guess we have similar taste
I still like teak .-.
You don't have to answer but why him
And I think he fond max
No offense
I'm not sure how to explain it but I guess I kinda just do? if that's really an answer
I mean you really don't need a reason to like someone
Does anyone know how to unlock the last event when alone with rune? I've tried different combinations but can't figure it out.
Same. No matter what I do there are three locked scenes. Idk what to do. T~T
I think for the next update I'll make them easier to unlock them.
Like, all of dogdong version pics will get unlocked if you finish the scene in any way, then the same for human dong version of the scene. I've been seeing many people having problems with those unlockables but luckily that's an easy change.
Let's have the most like characters press up if you choose rune press down if you choose burry
I personally like teak...
Well i like Cooper hes big but cute at the same time
guess i'm the only one who likes burry :/
I like Thistle.
I need help. How are yall maintaining that concentration for 10 secs when attempting pqck mentality?? No matter how fast i click. The closest i reach is 0.7.
Click slow instead of fast, the bar gets faster with each click so delay it till close to the end of the bar instead of clicking as fast as you can.
thank u so much
I'm going to buy a new cell phone, and I'd like to know how I share the progress from my old phone to the new one.
Frankly, I have no clue.
Does anyone reading this comment have an experience in that? I'm curious myself.
I have no idea for Iphone, but on android you'll have to search with your explorer the saves file. In my case it's store in Android/data/{game folder}/saves/{the file you want to keep}
All you have to do is to copy them and store them somewhere, they should work on the new phone.
Man im drooling.
will we get to se mc/luke face?
I'm not sure
probably not since mc is the representation of you
Yeah, Raus will probably take the same approach as Far Beyond the World did.
He's actually intended to be not the player's self insert, and more of a character with his own personality and a great dissonance of available information between him and the player... and I have a proper unobscured appearance for him but I'm leaving it for a special occasion. ;) Don't hold your breath though lol.
Awwww man, and here I thought I had cracked your mind open and predicted everything possible :(
I'll just have to wait for this "special occasion" you speak so highly of (ps: I'll actually hold my breath and you can't stop me!)
I have to say, I really liked seeing Luke from... well, his own perspective through Rune's eyes. It was an eerily powerful moment, I think.
For someone big as copper hes really cute
Yes, he is very very cute
Hahah im glad someone agrees with me
honestly, I'm just trying not to judge Teak harshly before this scene that's coming where is an interaction between him and mc only
Talking to Burry might give you some more insight ;)
I talked to him and that's exactly why I am trying not to judge, and the fact that the author said that this next scene between him and mc is one of the main reasons why he wrote Teak, so patient is key I guess
How do we save our progress for the next update
By literally saving, idk what else to tell you.
i dont know how to control the mana when you do pack mentality. how do you control the mana?
You have to delay taping as long as possible.
for how long
First you must have completed Burry's afternoon in any playthrough. Then when you get to attempting Pack Mentality in Rune's route, you will get a ten seconds countdown and a prompt. Keep your focus for those ten seconds and you succeed :)
thank you!
how do we save our progress for the next update
When you get the new update just install it and you'll have all of your old saves carry over. Works on all systems
Predicted February 12th by the looks of it, we'll have to wait and see!
where is the last mysterious figure in update v9
It should show a hint near the end.
I know, I wouldn't have found the other 5 without the hints
Find all the others and it'll give you the hint then.
I found them before the update released smh, I've been playing since the first build of the VN
You should have a much easier time starting from the next update (v10). I started adding a piece of script from a relevant moment in the scene, for every hint on hidden Alon. So you'll be able to at least know for sure at which slide he is ;)
So I had a question. How can you find the mysterious stranger in burry kitchen? I’ve literally observed every detail and didn’t see anything unusual. Also, I was hoping that the game lets there be anthro and feral versions. I know patrons have a big say but it’s be nice to be able to choose. The game really has a lot of potential. I can’t wait to see more. So many visual novels are anthro based and such. It’s nice to see a variety. I feel like there should be a survivor or stasis in there with a human that knows about shelter. Add more fun!~ I’m curious if mana is like the table of elements. Like chemistry. I really hope it continues! Exploration is fun! Also uh I’m curious if anyone has any ideas for great VN. I find I enjoy new things. Love the novel!
Keep an eye on the oven in the background throughout the scene; he'll eventually show up, but he can be really hard to see if you don't know where to look.
got them all xd . Thanks though! I literally watched every section through each message. It
i know you cant do much with him yet but cooper is still my fave, hes such a precious boi!
So wholesome and cute. Though the others are great too.
Awoo mate! I was just asking cuz i forgot but what type of doggo is Burry again?
Awoo to you too! I'll tell you all of them. In the future all of the info like that will be unlockable in Gallery > Characters > Bio, once I get to implementing that :D
Burry - Saint Bernard
Rune - Siberian Husky
Max - Dachshund
Thistle - Australian Cattle Dog
Cooper - Caucasian Shepherd
Teak - Tosa Inu
Alon - a lone Wolf
Aaa! Thanks so much! That helped a lot! Also i can't wait for the next updates! I'm really intrigued by what's gonna happen next on Rune's route! Keep up the amazing work mate!
Alon - A lone wolf 😭😭😭
Where do I buy the game when it's finished
It's free.
I think they're saying the game is so good they want to support in a way that isn't Patreon
What is the last dark corner and how do you get there?
Go for "bad" endings (let the bomb go off, don't automate the system, things like that).
Hi everyone I actually can't find alon in hairless temptation please help me
Hey..just the updare coming up this month or next month
Hey mate! I plan to post the next update around the end of January on Patreon and a couple weeks later on itch. :) for answering
Can someone tell me where to find the witness runes mana balls for the bonus scene and how to return teaks lost relic those are my last 2 to do'
for his balls you have to let the timer on the option to smack Rune run out it is in a tavern somewhere around the time with the bomb
Ok ill try it rn also do u know how to return teaks lost relic?
you need to dicide to leave the tavern and burry is going to ask you to bring the relict to teak. You can give it to him during runes training
Does anyone know if there will be a side story talking about Rune and Luke's back story together? Rune is just my favorite character and I would love to see more of him and maybe their backstory to see their developmen
There is some exposition already in the game but I do not know if anything more than that is planned.
Ya I have seen it but it doesn't give much detail I kind of wanna see what made them friends and all that stuff
Yeah, same here. Here's hoping we get more flashbacks to that front, maybe even through the Skies Ablaze if what many of the doggos said was true....
The german shepherd is just 😍, is there going to be a route with him?
yeaaaa i agree
I want to like Teak as a character and give him the benefit of the doubt, really I do, but it feels like his aggression towards Luke is way too exaggerated without any real reason being given or even really alluded to, especially compared to Teak's interactions with the rest of the cast. Like, Teak will be having a relatively normal interaction with another dog, then stop just to yell across the room at Luke to screw-off and die; he's cartoonishly mean to Luke and we aren't given anything close to a real explanation for it other than what basically amounts to an offhanded "Don't take what Teak says personally; he's just racist!", and that's only if you bring it up while cooking with Burry.
I just can't take Teak seriously as a character because of how little acknowledgement and consequence there is for Teak's behavior - the exact behavior that got Cooper severely injured and almost killed him. In fact, Cooper seems to be the only character that does take Teak's behavior seriously and reprimands him for it.
We see Teak have some relatively positive/emotional/constructive interactions with characters other than Luke, but the way I see it, all it really accomplishes is calling further attention to just how unreasonably antagonistic Teak is towards Luke. All I really want is for just a little more depth to be worked into this plotline; a few small allusions to Teak having some kind of deeper, more complicated feelings/thoughts of Luke, or if more characters were to genuinely acknowledge Teak's behavior and say/do something about it, or something! There really is more to Teak's character than just being an aggressive, self-absorbed asshole, but that's the only aspect of Teak's character that's ever directed at Luke and it just makes him feel more one-dimensional than he really is, which is a real shame for one of the main characters of an otherwise great game.
When is the next update? I want to hangout with Max!
Pardon my intrusion lads, but I am here to query on the locations of each hidden Alon and how I'm meant to obtain them exactly?
Any information would be most greatly appreciated, have a marvellous day~
There should be one inside the tavern at the left side and one during Rune's lesson at the right side.
Are you talking about "Awoo In The Bark" movie poster on my sfw twitter? :P
I'm probably in the extreme minority here (?), but I actually really like Teak. Yeah, I know he's rough as hell with Luke, but I feel like there's a lot of potential for understanding to grow between them, and perhaps Luke, from his unique perspective as a human and 'outsider', being able to help Teak in ways others maybe couldn't?
Honestly, I love all of the good bois in the game, but I just find myself most intrigued by Teak. There's no reason why this route can't be absolutely amazing, and I'm really looking forward to future updates with Teak in them. :)
I can't find the last alon :(
How you do find the shadow in burrys kitchen?
Oven door, bottom left ish. Is not there 100% of the time so just keep looking around there.