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(1 edit)

In the newest update, I have a todo of "Return Teak his lost relic.", how do I do that? I tried every combo I could link of of choices in Rune's afternoon and nothing came up. I have the relic from Burry from a previous run so I think I can give it to him but I am not sure.

Could I get some help?

I think I got it, you choose to leave the tavern rather than help Burry or talk to Alon and it gives you the choice to take the relic and still be able to go to the sword training.


"back at being cute amd stupid" i literally snorted at this part... lmao madee my day even better xD... big hug for raussss <3 awoooo~~


This game makes me inexplicably happy and I have no idea how to put it into words, like it's so goofy and horny that it makes me smile but it's also genuinely good. Also I want Teak to rip the stick out of his own ass and stop being a dick


How sad! No cats! >.>

I wonder if there's a reason no other species go there.


Love that the Aussie spoke in an accent even though they were discovered in the western united states and not Australia but I'm not complaining.


Different universe


best VN ever!

before the update it was a great VN but after the VN it has become my favorite, there are so much content and we are still at the first day of the VN !

so many possibilities for bonus routes with all the new dogs we met (maybe some of them will get their own main route with how flexible the story is)

we can now have an entire update just for the back story with rune and I'd love to know everything that happened that made rune love a human.

we now know more about teak and things might look great for future updates with him.

the story has so much potential and it didn't even start!

that german shepherd and golden labrador and great dane and australian shepherd and shipa inu all of them seem to something planned by rausmutt

I'd also like to know what we will do with all the mana knowledge, maybe we'll find something for rune's arm, maybe that gem can help heal his eye, maybe in the future we will go explore and use pack mentality, so much possibilities from day one of the VN!

I couldn't find the last mysterious figure in rune class :(

also the S and H buttons are not working :(

other then that 10/10 would recommend to everyone.


How do u get pack mentality? I started a new game, cooked with burry , performed pack mentality with him , got the notification and then started another new game to go with rune but then I still can't perform a successful pack mentality. What am I doing wrong?


You put in a diamond jack reference! "Although I may not think everything through, I don't take back what I say or regret what I do."! I love you! That song is an old favorite!



When the sex scenes are implemented in the game will you be able to choose if you want to top or bottom?

(I know it's a weird question lol but I just want to know)

The few new Rune CGs in this update both are so cool! The first makes Rune look like a badass that he is before he seemed too much of a goofball. But now we see that he is both a badass and a horny goofball. I wonder if Coop eventually also loosens up and be more open with the human like Rune.

And the other CG looks so friggin Anime I love it! It shows off again the badass side but with his goofyness too. They mix together so well!


How many routes are in the game?

Will the story of Rune's missing hand be told in a future update or has it been told I forget?


It hasn't been told yet

(2 edits)

Finally found all alon thanks for every helpful comments down there but not the newest alon though since i find it by myself without any clues lol, WARNING include spoiler for newest alon spot

Nice work raus at adding the sixth alon in the dog pack lol, i really need to play it for the second time to finaly see it, he blend so well and i just lucky to find it without seeing the clues first, but now i really want to know what the clues in to do list for the newest alon lol. 


So uhh..quick do u get pack mentality? Great update btw, Raus!. Love it :3


same im having problems i know you have to learn it during burrys scene but then i dont know how to incorporate it after i learned it

I think  you need to cook with burry first learn the dog smell magic controlling thing (i forgot what it's name) by sharing magic with burry then just skip to the end of game after that start the new game again chose learn swords skill with rune, when there is a puppies with green eyes ask rune to teach him magic you need to supports it by ask rune to teach magic first, afterwards you just need to answer everyone questions to the end and after that the puppies with green eyes will ask you to show pack mentality 

thats the weird thing i did that but it didnt work its like it didnt register i learned to control mana 


That variable wasn't in Burry's scene before this update, so just skip through Burry's scene again. You'll get a notification after the mana moments

Alright I got it. Thanks dude

I think you need to cook with burry first learn the dog smell magic controlling thing (i forgot what it's name) by sharing magic with burry then just skip to the end of game after that start the new game again chose swords skill with rune, when there is a puppies with green eyes ask rune to teach him magic you need to supports it by ask rune to teach magic first, afterwards you just need to answer everyone questions to the end and after that the puppies with green eyes will ask you to show pack mentality 


Yess. I really love every moment of this vn and you raus always got some creative idea to share some fun with all of us. Btw i forgot to mention some easter in the previous update and i dont think anyone mention about the 1234 pin. I think u know wat i mean rausmutt. So happy Christmas ,stay safe and wish all u guys luck.

Will this VN be a dating sim or somthing like that?

yes you will be able to date them, but is still in the process of introducing the universe

I can't do the coin toss man plz help me.

Choose tail 5 times then choose head 4 times and for the last one choose tail, that's how you win the bet but i think raus will change it again in the next update lol

for me its heads, tails and rest heads.


It changes on each gameplay. You need to rely on saves states and keep memorizing the coin toss results. You can write the results down in the paper.

SPOILER ALERT! Ok, that was a good update. I was hoping for a new NSFW scene but the Pack Mentality scene with Rune made up for it big time! I’m a sucker for the fusion theme, specially the mental aspect of it, so I’d be insanely happy if you explored further the whole Pack Mentality ability, specially if it is a big part of Rune’s route as a love interest. 

Howl-y crap that was a good update !! Loved every moments and also every new dogs, they are such good boys

But maaaaaaaaan what a way to end the update JUST at that time ! I freezed for like 10 sec the moment i realized i was gonna wait until next month....
Buuuut we will finally be able to see why Teak is so hard on Luke, at least they will begin to "understand" each other more ? (well more like i HOPE so cuz he's cute when he's not mad hehe)

Anyway thank you for the amazing update and i hope that you have a well-deserved rest with your friends and familly, and Merry Christmas !!!
Hope you have such great Christmas presents as the one you gave us :)


Couldn't ask for a better Christmas gift thx raus


You're welcome! Merry Christmas, bear :)

Uwu senpai noticed me 

Deleted 2 years ago

Merry Christmas everyone and once again thank you for your present raus 😁

(1 edit) (+1)

Merry Christmas to you too! Enjoy :D

does this VN have a discord, for updates n such?


Just gonna… “For the most up-to-date build check out: where I post a few weeks in advance. It also gives you an invitation to our amazing Discord den where I post extra content and we have chill times. :)”


Can't wait for the new update! :D 











I don't normally comment on this site, but I feel like I just had to for this one and I just have to say how much I love this VN so far. I just love the characters and honestly have grown a bit attached to quite a few of them to the point where I would love if the VN would continue past the Skies Ablaze event. Thank you for your work on making this VN!


I think i have seen this comment somewhere before but i don't remember where is it hmmm


Thank you! It makes me genuinely happy to know that those characters can make you feel that way. We'll see what happens after Skies Ablaze (I have ideas for what would happen next), but in the meantime let's enjoy what's happening at this moment. The night is still young there at Shelter :)

cool new image :P

So uuhhh when's the new update?


On Christmas! :)


Thanks for your Christmas present then raus ;)


Oh nice move there!! It would be the best gift for 2020 hahah...and it's also Rune's update hehe..good luck mate

Yey OwO, *imagines gift wrapped Rune with a cute ribbon on his pp*


Just wow. This game is so great, can't wait to get more updates.

(2 edits) (+3)

Man! Can't wait for Rune's Combat Training and also for Max's Music Jam to released. And I hope there will be a part 2 of Shelter after it completed. And also I love all the playthrough and details of the game. Again, I hope there will be a part 2 of this game.

(Because I really love the game to continue it's story.)

Keep up the good work, Raus! And we will wait for this month update.😊


Coop is so cute! Wish there was a way to  spend more time with him. But my favourite has to be Alon right now. We love our edgy boi.


bro the abby meme in Thistle's story though

(1 edit) (+3)

made an account only to say that i LOVE burry and that im so exited for the next update


My onle request is that I wish the Alon route isn't locked whether you win the bet or not. Because I don't want a route locked by a series of saves and loads and even if it was a secret ending I want people to think "Oh shit, I accidentally stumbled into a secret route and now I can fuck the edgelord." Instead of having to search for a wiki to know how to scream "It's pink!" without getting assassinated.

Wait, there's a way to scream "It's pink!" without getting assassinated?


Nope. I meant it as I wish there was a way to do his route without winning the coin game. And yes, I wish there was a way to yell it too later in the game without him killing you.

where is the last Alon? The one that says: Hairless temptation in Late afternoon. I can't find it I'm starting to believe I'm blind

Hahah, that makes 2 of us, alas I've actually been granted the sweet relief of success. If you're really perplexed, I wouldn't mind informing you of a small clue, furthermore I could tell you the exact location. However, this is not my decision to make. So, what'll it be my furry friend?

(2 edits)

I like the game so far, but I do have some, uh, possible criticism???

1) Max seems willing to hang out and talk with Alon, but then instantly goes off when he's in the bath. If just feels a little too out of character. 

2) I don't think using the word "retarded" is a good choice. It can be seen as offensive/insensitive to those who are actually mentally retarded. If the protag is really someone who would use language like that, I think the reader should experience that type of attitude/language earlier on. But of course, this is the demo, and it's a demo of the start of the game to boot. So...*shrug*

3) Wouldn't it make more sense for Luke to be a little more lenient towards Teak during the conversation with Burry if they chose the "arm wrestle" choice? Teak did cry over them and  gave them mouth to mouth after all.

I hope this makes sense!


Hey mate! Yeah, it totally makes sense! Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'll look into that! :)

I mean, even if I want to hangout with someone I would be very scared too if they come armed while I'm naked and afraid.

Where are all the Alons at? I' blind AF.

Eeeeeh, I won't be TOO specific, but here: during the bomb scene, in the area with the guardian, and in the room only you can enter. >_> I guarantee you can find them! Well, the second one may be a little weird, so just remember RED for that part.

I already found them. But the 5th one I cannot find

uuh, which Alon hint is the one you're referring to?

I found it. Thanks for trying to help either way.

I'm so confused of where all the alons are. I found the first and second one but I can't find the 3rd one! I know he's in the turret room while we are having mana vision, but I just don't see him at all and when are we in mana vision, can someone help? 

Stuck on Late Afternoon in the kitchen m'self. For the turret just think back, what color is canine mana? Though, did seem to need to spot the fluffy butt marking for a second time. "Its too risky"

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh god, I don't know what to say. I'm only at "sunbathing" scene but i already in love with these dogs. I want to pet them as dogs and "pet" them as horn dogs. This art style is incredible, every species done so well, that i observe each sprite for minutes(No, in clothes too, you horndogs). All these characters so emotional (oh my god, so many different emotions, special thanks to the artists ) and because of that they feels like real person. Background is amazing and unique, especially in the bar, with all those dogs sitting at tables. The plot and that universe in... dungeon punk (i guess) style is really interesting and i can't wait for more of this story to be told. (pls do not kill them, i will cry). Please do not abandon this project, i believe it can became one of the best VNs in the fandom under your command work. Good luck, wag your tails and Awoooooo! 

From your new follower with love.

(Today is snowing really hard, so it is extra fantastic to read that novel)

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't tend to post comments in the visual novels I played, but to saciate my curiosity, did you put a reference to Steven Universe in the bath scene?

By the way, great update, great vn, Rune best boy.

Totally, word by word in that one moment :P

I hope you'll enjoy the next update! It's Rune's afternoon update :)

Sorry for another question, but I can't find Alon in Hairless Temptation. I even looked at the page relevant to Alon 

Do save file to newer version work? Want to play again but didn't want to go through the whole story every time

They should have been compatible for many months now. Give it a try and see :)

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