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I just finished this for now, until it can be updated for the public again. i started thinking i was gonna go with Rune, but ended up with Burry. i think i love him more. he's more wholesome, which is what i want in a lover. :D


Does completing the to-do list do anything?


Nope. It's just a clearer way to let you know what else can be still done if you want to see all scenes and stuff.




Loving it.

Can't fint the third assassin (in turret room while it's mana vision). But the way I felt in love of this NOVEL. Great plot, scenario, drama, dog dongs ;P, "hot dogs" not sausages :D, but I like theirs sausages))) . Wanna see flashback when dogs saw human dong for the first time :)

Rune and Alon are the best charecters (as for me). The first - is the one I want to be, the second is who I really am). I am pretty sure MC will crush on Alon)

Around top middle screen, it's a reddish thing BUT, it's when you're in mana vision for the second time ;)

awooo mate.... another amazing update from my fav VN... not gonna lie this update made my day even brighter... thx for being an amazing hooman for creating this superb VN... i wish you all the best and keep up the perfect work... lovee yaa mateeeee... T.T

(quick question : how do i convince alon to join the bath party? been trying everything but still ended up on my knees xD)

(1 edit)

When you chat with Alon you have to win the bet, then he will join the bath later :)

Make a save file before you accept the bet cuz you can't roll back after that, then remember eatch coin toss if it's heads or tail, it's not random it's alwais the same so if you lose just load your save then do it again until you win ten times

i see i see... thx mateee

also keep that save since it'll be the same every time on that save


I'm in love with this vn, it's amazingly written and the characters are lovable!! Do you have any plans on adding a German Shepperd char by any chance? It'd be so great!

There's a German Shepherd among the dogs in Rune's sword fighting class. I won't promise he'll have a big role, but at least he's there and he's in the artworks :D

Oh nice! Keep up the amazing work, and thanks for replying :D   I've already recommended this to every freak vn lover I know of. Good luck!

anyone know where to find the mysterious figure in hairless temptation?

He's at the page with the "pink" description but on the lower right of the screen and not on the parchment. took me 10 repeats of that segment to find him ^^

I for whatever reason thought it was in the scene with burry and the meat.

that was the fourth clue I think, the late afternoon in the kitchen, when cooking  the meatsauce

No, I got the 4th one, I just thought for whatever reason the hairless temptation was the damn meat.

Do you know where Alon is when we cook with burry

Alon's shadow would start to appear at the left oven after your eyes recover  from chopping the onions and almost cut your thumb off.

thank you so much!

Exacatly what scene is that again? is that the one with Alon? been desperately trying to remember what it is.


its when you decide to leave the tavern, and  follow Thistle to visit Cooper and eavesdrop on the story. one portion of it would have a reference to Alon's privates being pink


How do you get naked Teak and where is Alon in Burry's kitchen? I've been looking for half an hour.

(2 edits)

I noticed something in the gallery with Teak a small part of his scar is missing when topless but when naked the missing part is now there I think some parts of his tanktop are still there from his casual look, its a small thing but just trying to let you know.

Good catch! I'll fix that for the next update. Thank you! :)

(1 edit)

AWOOOO~ Hellooo Raus

Thanks once again for the AMAZING update i'm loving the game more and more every month *vigorously wagging imaginary tail*

I have one question -not- related to the game tho...

Do you plan to continue the story of INU ?
There are 4 chapters right now if i'm not wrong (or maybe i'm missing some idk haha) and i was wondering if it was part of some future plans ? Maybe after Shelter ?
Just so you know, i LOVE the story and the word you built with it, the characters, and their facial expression..... Rwarrrr i just love it all !!
In fact when i first saw the character design of Shelter i KNEW it was you so i cliked right away~
So yeah i'm just curious about it, of course no pressure there, you are already working...... hmmm "having a lot of fun ?" making Shelter so i'm not complaining

Anyway, keep up the amazing work and have a great day mate !!
Also great day for all of you reading this comment AWOO~

PS : Sorry if my english isn't always corret i'm just a french furry dog dong lover


Hey mate! Right now I'm putting all of my attention into Shelter until we have all of Skies Ablaze day finished. After that we'll see if people want continuation of Shelter, INU or something else entirely. There is still quite a lot of content left for Skies Ablaze though, so I hope you'll enjoy how that unravels :)

(1 edit)

I'll be happy regardless of what you do, whether it be Shelter or INU, OR something else since i love your work anyway :)

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question


rune, who took your cookies; this hurts my soul

Even sadder when you choose the head variant with ears down, in that top-right window ;(

ikr, why did you add this (ngl this is perfect for rune)

Any idea when are we going to get more time with Cooper and Teak?

i can't find the mysterius figure in the kitcher in aftrnoon do someone know where can i find it?

it's on the oven. Did you find the one in "hairless temptation?" I count find it, and its the last one for me

i can't find it sry

I've found it. The creator gave me a tip about it on the uptade page

thanks mate.

this is really cool i started the game today and i am already getting an update. thanks so much.

You're very welcome! Enjoy it! :)


Waiting for the update, I've never been excited for an update but this VN is something else!

Just uploaded the new build! 

This month a bit lower on the word count but I managed to implement most of my ideas for the Gallery with a bunch of unlockables! I hope you'll like it! :)

Well the VN is pretty amazing so even if we don't get as much word count at least we know that the game is not rushed and the developer is having great time working on it, keep it up!

(1 edit) (+3)

I honestly love the game and my favorite dog atm is Alon keep up the great work!!! Also changed 4 stars to 5 stars.

Deleted 4 years ago

in two days, calm dow


I agree it's all worth the wait


I love how they try to be intimidating but they're just a bunch of cute dums and I want them, alon and rune are my favs


Starting to shake already. I need my cute dog fix maaaan. Just a couple of days now... HOOK IT TO MY VEEEEINS.


First of all I just want to say that this was one of the best dating sims I have ever played the characters are rounded and likable, they scenes are funny and hot as well ;) and overall its beautiful in every aspect!

My question is about downloading a new build, will it transfer the new data to the application with all of the old saves still there or will I have to do everything again? I am on mac os. Excited for the new update ^-^

(1 edit) (+1)

It should hopefully work the same way as with PC and android builds, meaning that you unpack/update new build and you should have all of your old save files available. 

Can't confirm for sure though because I don't have a mac. When you try, could you let me know so I know for sure? :)

Unless anyone else could confirm?


Renpy Save game data is stored outside of the game folder - so yes it does

(1 edit)

hey i need some help on somthing i whant to play it but Could not execute C:\users\*****\*** is it missing? keeps poping up wenever i try to open the exe file im using winzip any help


You have to extract the file, then run it.

i dont fucking know how i whant to play this game so baddly

No need to swear, mate. If Lucky is right, he's probably saying that when you open the open the zip file you should first drag and drop the whole content somewhere else, like on your Desktop, THEN run the exe.

If that doesn't work then ask a friend for help because that's some kind of an issue on your computer's end.

ya i found out fucking finally amzing game 10/10 would bang

I can help u!

i soo want to see Burry's chest, omg just spread those arms already! >=)


simply amazing storyline... keep it up ^•^


Thank you! I will!


Alon is my fav 😍😍😍😍 i hope he don't stay in his shadow ahah


That's kind of his thing lol.

But yeah, in the next build you can kinda get him out of the shadow for a while!

You did great work 💪 ( sorry if my english suck , i'm french )

(3 edits) (+7)

Here I was, thinking there was actually something that was supposed to happen, if you kept your eyes open long enough...

After 287.5 seconds, I can say that absolutely nothing happens if you keep your eyes open.

(1 edit)

And... meat trees? That's honestly terrifying.


Woah! How did you get it so high? I was able to get it to 100 on my phone because of slower processing power but I wouldn't be able to go that high. Was it an autoclick soft or something?

And yeah, in the current public build this minigame does absolutely nothing. You cannot outstare the wolf. You can outluck him later though ;)

Yes, autoclick software. But, eventually, the multiplier was low enough to even surpass my 1ms click speed.

(1 edit) (+4)

Cooper is just so cute with his tsundere trait

The edgelord break the 4th wall is mind blowing too, remind me of Flowey in Undertale

Can u give the mega link?

(3 edits)

so in game it said that one dialogue option will be coming very soon after update 0.2.07 so i have been pretty much checking everyday to see if it's here but at this point im assuming it will just come with the monthly update like the rest. i find it quite funny how we went from 0.1.5 to 0.2.0 to 0.2.07. hopefully the dev has a general idea at least how the story should go and isn't just putting random numbers into the update. lol if you are let's make the next update 0.2.69

i do enjoy the game :)


Cooper and Burry are the best.
Teak is dumb meanie who I cannot find after automating the cannons. 


I really love Alon since the moment I saw him. I immediately knew what kind of dog he would be when i first played this. And Rune is really adorable! I like how playful he is towards everyone, though I am interested with his story before the shelter. I'm also interested with Thistle since he kinds of remind me of my perverted self whenever I write smut... I don't write them that anymore though, it's a bit embarrassing whenever I look back at the stuff I made.

With all of that said, thank you for making this game! I really enjoyed it! I look forward to future updates!


I. require. help. with. finding...ALON!!! I'm literally in the verge of going insane at this point......


Okay, I'll help you with just the first one! He appears somewhere in the background in the "music box investigation" scenes.

It'll probably be slightly easier to track the hidden Alons starting next month because there will be a line in the Gallery about how many of them were spotted spotted already, so people will probably be more motivated to finding him and sharing that info with others ;P 

Thanks, but here's the thing. I've found the first 2, but i can't find the last one...

Okay, this one is hard so I'll give you a big hint.

It's visible only for like five lines of text... during one of the Mana Vision segments >.>

No more tips from me!

Mana-vision......Much appreciated i think i should be good finding this one.

Never mind, i can't find it...


Am I the only one hoping Cooper has his own route?


Definitely you're not the only one! I'm surprised how much he blew up in popularity despite being kind of a last minute addition side character!

I'll tell you straight on that you won't see too much of his for Skies Ablaze... but who knows what the future holds after that!


Is my daddy Thistle gonna have a route for his own ?


his routes have been in the polls on Patreon since the beginning iirc but I believe he's the lowest one. idk about recent polls though


Well, you'll have at least one more scene with him before the day ends! He asked to see you later :)


I like to see Cooper beat up the bully Teak for mistreating Luke. I hope Cooper opens up to Luke and they start hanging out. Based on Cooper's reaction to Luke, he got a MAJOR crush on the human.

idk, but i guess Cooper and Teak will end up together


Nah Teak obviously will be with Max

i mean in case you didnt take Teak's route, i think we are gonna see them together. but i reeeeeally want to date Cooper, that will be an interesting route. spicy mmmmmm...

Same lol..wanna see what happens if we date Cooper

is it patreon?


I really enjoyed this update but yeah I saw a previous commenter have a long rant about Teak and I feel the same as him,I need that character development to hit soon,but I did like that Coop yelled at him in one scenario so yay for that.There are 2 issues have so far,one the sounds during coopers massage scene were extremely off-putting it just felt wrong and it made the whole thing incredibly unpleasant,two I really dont like Burry's disregard of Luke's concerns when it comes to Teak its a sour spot on an otherwise great chatracter.Idk if you'll ever read this but hey im just throwing my thought into the void here.Sorry if this coment seems negaive i assure you i love this game but you know nothing is perfect,can't wait for the hangout with the boys,keep up the great work :)

Deleted 156 days ago

Damn, i saw right through Cooper even before Thistle's fanfic. Will we get more cooper? The ship is reallyyyyyy interesting!


[Minor Spoilers for v.0.2.07 ahead... And a Multi-Paragraph Rant About Teak.]
[Continue at your own risk!]

I have only had Cooper for about a day but if anything (else) happened to him, I would kill Teak, then everyone else in Shelter, and then myself. It's great to see such an interesting new character join the fray, even if most of what we saw so far was just him trying to not be horny for humans. Leading with the thought that Cooper was like Teak, only to show us that flashback of Luke and Cooper's first interactions was nice bait-and-switch, which only got better when we actually met Cooper and heard Thistle's story (even though Luke was no less oblivious about everything)! Luke may be one of, if not the smartest lovable dumbass in Shelter, but he's nonetheless a dumbass; a issue that can (in part) be easily remedied in future!

Seeing Cooper's reactions to literally anything involving Luke or humans in general was honestly amazing! For some reason, my immediate thought when Cooper started reacting to Thistle's teasing was just, "Oh shit! Is he, like, a reverse furry?!" And honestly, that thought is kinda just hilarious to me! Now I'm totally expecting Cooper and Luke to just get to talking at some point, and we awkwardly get Cooper's side of the story about when he first came to Shelter and it get's revealed that he didn't hate or fear Luke so much as he had an instant MASSIVE crush on him and just didn't know what to do about it! Cooper having this big, tough-guy, top-energy persona, only to crumble into a stuttering, anxious, bottom-energy mess whenever Luke (and/or humans in general, for that matter) is around or brought up is just, *chef's kiss* perfection! He's like teenager suddenly realizing he might be gay and having The Panic™ for the first time! It's adorable! I just wish Teak wouldn't come in and ruin the moment every time it was getting good with his aggressive/hostile/bigoted attitude towards Luke. (In the words of a certain edge wolf, "What a mood killer!")

[Ahead is a very, very long rant about Teak and his present character. There is a "tl;dr" at the end that summarizes the main points for those who don't want to read the whole thing.]

Seriously, Teak is honestly my BIGGEST complaint about Shelter; probably my only true complaint about the entire game as of yet! I just wish that Rune or Burry or Max or someone would give that daft tossa a good dressing-down and discipline him rather than just ignoring and enabling his very blatant aggression and disrespect towards Luke. Heck, the fact that Burry of all dogs was somehow completely unaware of Teak's attitude towards and treatment of Luke is, quite frankly, mind boggling, considering how much Burry seems/claims to care for Luke. If anyone other than Luke would at least acknowledge Teak's behavior in some way, it'd be one thing, but everyone claims to be Luke's friend and that they care for him only to completely disregard when Teak blatantly threatens and antagonizes Luke even when it happens right in front of them! 

I get that there's a reason for Teak to act the way he does that'll be revealed at some point or another and that figuring out what it is, why he acts that way and getting through those issues are (most likely) gonna be major parts of his route whenever that gets going, but his attitude comes off as so exaggerated to the point that, at times, he's honestly more of an archetype than a character- more akin to one of those stereotypical, shallow, cartoonishly evil and otherwise devoid-of-personality bullies in literally every low-budget teen "coming of age" movie than a character with any actual depth or personality; meanwhile everyone else is just sitting idly by like "Oh that pup! What a little scamp he is!" while Teak is glaring daggers into Luke and talking about how much he hates humans! I'd just like to see some kind of recognition and repercussion for his behavior. 

I mean, before the start of the game, Teak's actions and behavior had nearly gotten Copper killed out on an expedition and all things considered, even if this was the worst he's caused, it's definitely not the first time he's put the other dogs in his pack in danger like that. Sure, he feels bad about it and goes about trying to make amends with Cooper for what he did, and it's mentioned that Teak's behavior and socialization with the other dogs in Shelter are much better than he was when he first arrived, but "he feels bad about what happened" doesn't mean that he should just be forgiven without otherwise being held accountable for his actions, and "his behavior isn't as bad as it was before" isn't a valid justification to just let him be a complete jackass - to anyone!

If either Teak's behavior could be toned down a bit or the other dogs in the group would actually acknowledge his behavior, it wouldn't be so bad, honestly. Like, if Teak toned it down around Rune and Max and whoever else because the tell him off over acting like an ass or even if Rune or someone would reprimand Teak for his actions and behavior towards Luke only for the tossa to disregard the scolding and keep acting the way he does, it would add at least something to the dynamic and Teak's character (at least on the surface) other than Teak's personality traits of being bigoted around non-canines and hiding his doubts and fears behind impulse and arrogance only to get him and others into trouble. There's really a lot of potential with Teak as a character, but compared to the rest of the main cast, Cooper included, he just hasn't been given much to make us interested or invested in him;

- Max was raised by felines and has a passion for music as well as a deep respect and affection for Luke as one of his best friends.
- Rune was a "follow orders and nothing else" soldier type sometime before the start of the game despite being the horny and lovable goof he is now.
- Burry is very attached to Luke ever since he saved him before they discovered and founded Shelter, but it hasn't been explained how he found Luke or why he was on an expedition in the tundra.
- Alon is chuunibyou edge lord with a mysterious past and a lot of knives... and a complex about his dong, which may or may not be a route cause for his aforementioned chuunibyou.
- Cooper is, in spite of his typically masculine, tough-guy persona, squeamish about intimacy of any kind - especially when it comes to humans - and might have a massive crush on Luke (this statement is yet unconfirmed).
- Thistle is your typical horny old pervert and acts incredibly immature at times, but he's very intuitive and observant of those around him, often playing up that pervy persona to feign ignorance while he teases people about their preferences. Also a former soldier.
- Then we have Teak, who's is presented as being rather arrogant and bigoted; especially towards humans, or at least Luke. He seems to (partly) use aggression and arrogance to mask his insecurities and rather dim intellect, having difficulty expressing his true emotions to others. He also possesses an unidentified artifact (found by Burry in the tavern with Teak's scent on it) in the form of a small, smooth stone-like object (that closely resembles a glass eye). Has a HUGE crush on Max.

Sure, there's plenty that can be said about Teak thus far, but it's all the same things that could be said about any other generic bully-type character; a lot of loosely assembled character traits and defects without much apparent depth or backstory to hold them together. There are some bits and pieces of an interesting character here and a lot of yet untapped potential for a compelling character ark, but Teak's character just hasn't gotten the same sort of exposure as the other characters. In the case of just about all the other dogs, we would get some sizable tidbit(s) about their backstory (from one source or another) and/or a glimpse or two into the less apparent/conventional aspects and quirks of their personalities; i.e. details that lend to the idea of a deeper, more three-dimensional character than what we see on the surface. And in the cases (outside of Teak) where we didn't get much in the way of direct glimpses into a character's past or deeper personality - let's take Thistle as an example - it was made up for by way of their interactions with the other characters and demonstrations of how they fit into the dynamics. In all these respect's, Teak has yet been coming up short as a character. There's clearly some attempt at trying to convey the idea of a "tough and jaded on the outside, soft and vulnerable on the inside" sort of character in Teak, but the execution doesn't really demonstrate much of the more endearing "soft and vulnerable" aspect of the character.

[Tl;dr] - Teak has the potential to be just as interesting a character as the rest of the cast, but the forefront of what we see from him as a character is how much he hates and distrusts Luke and not much else. He comes off as your typical, one note, barely two-dimensional bully character more than anything, and the rest of the cast is somehow just oblivious to his blatant aggression and disrespect. To add more depth to either Teak as a character (i.e. directly fleshing out his character) and/or to his place in the dynamic with the rest of the cast (i.e. indirectly fleshing out his character), it would be good to either show him deliberately toning it down around certain characters and/or having some of the characters acknowledge and reprimand (or at least negatively comment on) Teak's behavior, respectively.

F*ck, that was longer than I intended it to be! I'd wanted to just gush about Cooper and make a brief mention of Teak's character and my thoughts on his development so far... and then, before I knew it, I'd written a (very opinionated and only loosely coherent) character analysis in the form of an essay. I've never been good a being concise... -_-

Regardless, I honestly am enjoying Shelter so far, despite the rant/short-form essay above. I'm really looking forward to future builds of Shelter! There're so many interesting plot-lines and subplots going on and it'll be great as we start learning even more about the world!

 I can't wait for the next update already! I wander, what will it be about? If you don't mind me asking such questions. 


I'm liking the game pretty much so far. The characters don't appear to be one sided and the wordbuild is beyond what i first expected when i started playing the game.
I'm still playing the game but i think i've seen enough to say i liked very much Burry, Rune and Max, they seem so nice and "dog like" that i really felt like i was among dogs. Burry seems like a pain at first but i expect him to be one of the most complex characters, i'm going to appreciate his interactions, they all seem to recall so much of the outside world it's amazing.
I'm not gonna lie Luke really seems to be clumsy, i understand that he's supposed to be really insecure but i've felt at times, like he was too much like a damsel in distress, the onion scene seemed a bit too much i say, the kitchen scene as a whole was great tho.
Otherwise the game is coming along very well, and if my programmer knowledge is correct, you mannaged very well at making a multiple route game which doesn't make you feel like you're losing a ton of content by selecting this or that choice in dialogue. The dialogue trees that doesn't necessarily make a difference in the great scheme of things are a welcomed addition, it really makes you feel like you're part of the game, and congratulations on the minigames thus far. I hope to see more of them in the future.

So i wanna talk here about Alon specifically. Look, Alon holds a great potential but sometimes i don't really know what to think about him, and not in a good way. Sometimes he really seem to be a scheming outsider and all (and that's good) and sometimes he seems like a bit of a displaced guy who tries to be all tough and all (which is also good). But, while this mix of atitudes could work very well, i'm feeling like he is, as a character overall, just a 14 year old otaku who watched too much Death Note and now squatch over chairs e polishes the CS knives he bought online. It was bearable, specially when he letted this facade down like in the eyepatch scene. But when there was the blowjob scene and by saying that his p was p and he just slited your neck, it didn't just caught me as a "this thing is too meaningful for him and you fucked up" vibe, it was just that, an anticlimatic ending that doesn't even make total sense. Having a character with this kind of actitude, after all the build up feeling of "yeah you seem cool let's be friends" didn't sit right. I understand that you needed, for plot reasons, for this secret not to be revealed this way, but theres got to be better ways for handling it. Or no? Is this all the morals that we can expect from Alon?


Please make cooper a romantic choice for the M.C.!!!

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