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I weezed as soon as I noticed that the canine's eyes in the background actually shifted to 'me' that little detail was actually amazing keep it up! (If your wondering what I'm talking about it's the dong question.)


Yeah I loved that detail...they were not messing around


Looks like I missed a lot of updates o__o

The add of the wagging tails to the scenes is so cute :)

I guess you also add some new expressions to the characters (I really like how you continue to improve this game even when the scenes are still good without improvements), and the dark corner of Alon is an ingenious (and funny way) to explore all the paths of the game :D

Speaking of Alon... the conversation with him is one of the funniest and craziest thing I've ever seen, I won't mind to venture again in the barkness in his company xD

Well... thanks for continuing to share this game with us and for giving us moments of fun even in such hard times (and thanks for the new don... dogs xDDD).

I can't wait to see more with my cuddly Burry, awooo :)


Awoo, mate! I'm happy you came back to catch up on the updates! I was hoping that someone would notice those improvements over time :D Alon's reception was amazing overall lol. I personally love him too and I can't wait to write him into more scenes. I want to see him interacting with other dogs more!

I think people like how Burry's update turned out. I hope you'll enjoy it too :)

i love it.

Deleted 4 years ago

I thought that Alon would have been the classical grumpy guy, but he's a crazy doggo (or better, wolfo xD), more complex than one could ever imagine. I'm curious to see more of him, but for now I'm looking forward to see my big boy Burry, awoooo :D

Is this the finish app, like it has an ending?


Nope, it's in ongoing development with monthly updates


(1 edit)

Does the bomb actally explode?

(If you don't do anything i mean)




Alon it's my crush, I love everything about him, his eye patch, the way he talks and even his color ... heh ❤️💞 (I loved the game, keep up the great work ❤️) 


Another heart stolen by the stealthy rogue! I'm sure he's secretly happy that you like each of those things about him <3


The pat on the back and the bad ending surprise :D

(4 edits) (+5)

10/10. Incredibly good characters, magic system, dialogues and options, THE TENSION! It didn't stick to the "buff furry visual novel" default, and the ones that ARE buff match with their personalities and history, and they ACTUALLY have fur! All over the body! It touched concepts regarding race, and I absolutely love the unlockables, multiple endings, and the extra scenes with Alon are absolutely great. In personal experience, whenever I play a dating sim, I always head for the buff guy, but in here? God, I loved everyone, Burry has my heart so far! Thank you a lot for making this astonishing, well written and drawn visual novel, friend.


Edit: I was so caught up in it, I made every choice possible in the game, just to get every last bit of text from it hahah

Edit 2: No but seriously, they have FUR! I'm mesmerized! Most, or rather all, of the other visual novels I've played have characters with basically a colored skin and some tuffs, calling it a macaroni. I'm in love!


Hahaha yeah! I do love my doggies fluffy and doggy-like! I always felt similar way like you, that many of the furry media nowadays omit many of those important details... So I'm basically highlighting all of those things! A bit as my own indulgence, as well as something that I find interesting to try and meaningfully weave into the narration when possible :D

I'm happy that you enjoy Shelter so much! I wonder what you'll think about the next update. It's all about Burry :)

(1 edit)

Can't wait for it! 

But may I ask something? Why was Burry so assertive with Alon, but not with Teak? Alon almost didn't do anything, while Teak...uh, y'know? Not that Burry would fight him, but I'm certain Teak respects him. It kinda makes Burry sound like a coward?


Honestly, I that's the case of some slight favoritism. However, he would still stop Teak if he saw the events of the "cheat at arm wrestling" branch but he didn't witness that moment. All that Burry heard were some random remarks at Luke during the day but he didn't pay them much mind. Hints at to why are touched upon in the the next update :)

Hello, i just recently played the game. Does the timer during beginning of the game really necessary? It made me skip the dialogues because i don't want it to run out.

(1 edit) (+2)

Theres's pleeeenty of time, keep playing! No need to rush.

Well, it's just that the timer gives a sense of urgency.  I just find it weird that i want to skip dialogues so early in the game on my first playthrough. 

Yeah, but keep playing. Even if it's meant to blast off


Absolutely amazing! The characters have so much personality to them and are all extremely lovable! The story seems shallow at first but as you go you learn more and more things which only make you wanna know the true story of what the shelter is.

The only con is that I spent like 20 minutes trying to not blink with Alon for 30 seconds and nothing special happened xD, my favorite character by far, I love when you surprise him and he has that funny look on his face, always has me smiling!


Haha it's great to hear you had fun with it and you like Alon! He had a lot of positive reaction after this update :D

You're right about the blinking gimmick, though. I didn't even plan to make a minigame out of it but it was super fun to code! I know that eventually I'll think out a good reward to put there... but yeah, for now you are simply bound to lose sooner or later and that's it!

and i give him of blowjob. XD

Well i hope when we get to the sex scene or smthn we can be the top i'm tired all the vn i played the mc is all bottom

(1 edit) (+3)

Just finished playing this game, awesome characters, great story and i can't wait to cook with burry. Will teak's backstory and reason why he hate humans be released in future builds?


I'm happy you enjoyed it! Yes, Teak's stuff will be explored :)

(3 edits) (+1)

Lovely and well drawn characters. 

The idea of fast reactions was something new 4 me, but it fits well. 

Good game so far...

btw: the thumbnail here on is not rly an eye-catcher... it is pure luck that I hit it.


What made me look at this vn was how cute max is UwU

The artwork is nice but its 2 bright for a tumbnail ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

I really like this game its really enjoyable and I love the characters well except for Teak I have many things to say about him but id rather not say them (You know what screw it!) Anytime Teak disrespects Luke I want to hit him in the muzzle with a two by four even though i find how he is with Max adorable.

lol me too

(1 edit)

when is the next update? I gotta see what happens!


It's always on Patreon before the month ends and on itch a couple weeks after. I'm pretty sure it'll be the same for the next update too :D


So, how in the blazes do you beat the staring contest with Alon, no matter how fast I end up clicking I loose it.


You can't win it and there is no reward for reaching a high score. At least not yet. In the future updates I may add a little reward of some kind if you reach 50s or so (I reached 49, people say they reach over a minute!).

I didn't even plan turning it into a minigame but coding it was fun :P But it's rewardless for now.


How the hell did you get 49 seconds. I could barely get past 10. guess my overall timing was off.


I got to 97  :3


At the beginning you gotta let the timer go to the end as close as possible


Love it! The music is really good and fits the mood, the lore is interesting (all the 'mana' stuff is neat!), doggos aren't my favourite in general but there's some damn good bois in this one. The latest update is great as well, unlocking the BJ scene was a surprise to be sure, but a hell of a welcome one! :D Anything for Alon who's clearly the cutest of the lot. Good mix of personalities too, keep it up! :)

Haha I'm happy you like the boys and everything! <3

Just don't let Alon know that you think he's "cute". That's one of his greatest triggers!


Esta en español? :c

Mi ingles no es tan bueno como para entender al 100% los dialogos 


Lo siento, solo está en inglés. Aún no hay planes de traducirlo al español. Quizás busque un traductor una vez que termine este juego.


Where can i download the background music on android.


You like the music? :D

I promised myself that I'd share the mp3s in a bulk once I have composed ten pieces and I think I have more than that now. Follow my Twitter and I may get them compiled and shared sometime this month :)


UwU tq

Check out my Tweeter now :D I just posted it!


Developer: * releases a new update *



Rawwwr !! Rune y Alon son un amor canino, definitivamente son mis favoritos, y de esos dos, Alon es el que más amo y la escena con él es ardiente. Excelente trabajo.


¡Gracias! :D







Just finished and i love it so far!! Teak route gonna be difficult, but i love him the most!!! Keep going!! Keep on the amazing work!!


For something that (Right now) is so short it really makes you salivate for more. Amazing story with jucy, and adorable guys. Astonashing plot with beutiful scenery. Plus the small thing that change with the story in the background imurse you more into the story.

Can't wait for more to come.

:3  (Sorry for any spelling mistakes)




This game is beautiful. The art is stunning, the music is absolutely gorgeous, and there are so many facial expressions. Also its so cute and funny, I enjoyed every bit of it. Thank you for this great game, I can't wait to see more!


Very good start. I enjoy the concept of developing magitech and you portray how loneliness feels very well! The dogs are very immersive.


ahhhh cliffhanger >.<

(3 edits) (+3)

wow that last update....dammit, Critical hit right into the Feelings.
Not gonna lie at one point (everyone who played the lasted update knows which one i mean) it  got me a little teary eyed cause i was so happy.
These dogs really are a humans best friends. 


The food analogy was too subtle for anyone to realize but its was a very fun and cute thing.

Love the update, you sir knows how to write big goofy bois


Raus, your Visual Novel always makes me smile ^^ I always have a massive smile on my face while playing it gahahah!

Rune, Max, Burry... I absolutely love them, sooo much ^^ 

I'm already so looking forward for the next update! Awooo!


Oh My God.. That update almost made me cry at some point !!
I was reaaaaally sad about Luke and then 10 min after you made my day with how the good doggy boys reacted to what Luke said to them (not gonna spoil). 
I mean it's not surprising they wanted to spend time with Luke during *** ******** but daaamn i was sooo happy about their reaction that i almost cried for the second time..

Great update and great addition to the game (also the tail cute), i'm looking foward to the next one.

Oh and.... i'm curious about how you're gonna get Teak to finally (hopefully) have a liking to Luke, or at least accepting him (even tho Luke is kind of the founding member of the Shelter), because he can be so mean it hurts, even tho you said Teak is still a good boy... I just hope he opens up a little to Luke...


Dawww I'm so happy that you liked those scenes! It's one of the key moments of this whole day and I wanted it to feel important. The tail wag was supposed to be put in the next update all across the game up to that point, but I thought I'd at least leave this little test in that last scene ;) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

If you're curious about Teak, look forward to Rune's Afternoon "date". We know that Teak is a part of Rune's sword fighting class :)


OML RELATABLE!! I was just thinking of the same thing but you got that down first! <3



I've been waiting for this woof!~


Whats new in the update?

I don't want to miss anything UwU


I'll always be putting the info about all the changes in the devlog every time I share a public build on itch. I'm sharing build 0.1.4 here in a day or two :D


OwO alright (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

(3 edits) (+5)

I really love that part in which Luke tries to push Rune away when they are sitting on the bench, but he doesn't move a millimeter and instead Luke ends up sliding himself away😂


Lol yeah! Rune is a heavy boy! xD Pure muscle and happiness!


Got me pretty scared at the first part when they were playing with what I think is a C4 and a sniper rifle. Other than that love the cute and hunky dogs. Goddamn it, I just realize that I'll have a hard time deciding whether to think as precious good boys that I want to cuddle or a hunky good boys that I want to cuddle. 


Haha that's a good dilemma to have! No bad options! ;)

I'm currently writing a scene for an "edgy bad boy" so you may have yet another option to consider...


Lubb the dauchshund idk how to spell it tho

Good artwork!


I'm happy you like Max! Dachshunds are very fun dogs :)


This nv is really good and I am enjoying it. I just wanted to ask if there will be different dateable routes to choose from or not.

Btw keep up the good work!!


Kind of. I'm currently working on three separate "dates" for the Afternoon time slot :)


ah ok thanks for letting me know !


Awooooooooooo purrrrfect

(1 edit) (+2)

Awooooo~! Thank you!  :D

What's the code input


Up to you. Any four digits.

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