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(1 edit) (+2)

Omg coop is a tsundere

P.S when's your book coming out Thistle


Great update as always. Sad that Cooper won't be a pick as a romantic character for the MC. One more question, does Cooper like the MC ( that way) bc his face blushes a lot when the MC stares at him directly.😂


That should be more obvious if you go the "eavesdropping" route in that scene ;)


Ok, i have 2 questions concerning Alon. My first is i need help finding the 3rd hidden Alon. :SPOILER:

I've found the one at the start of the game behind the pillar and the one when there's the huge mech where he's up on the ledge. Any help or hints would be greatly appreciated and 2. How long to i have to stare Alon in the eye ? I did it for 100 sec and got nothing, is there some sort of secret or is it just a red herring. In Alon's case a pink one :3

(1 edit)

About the staring, you're right, it's still a pointless pink herring for now. Eventually I'll add some kind of a small reward to it but for now it's nothing at all.

About the 3rd hidden Alon... that one is kinda tricky even though his clickable area is the biggest and the most in your face of them all. I'll only give you light hints for now. He is the last one to show up, appears only for like five lines and you cannot miss him on your first playthrough no matter what routes you take.

Thanks for the reply and. Ahh, yes. Very useful light hint i know i'll get it now, (lol). And also, i somehow missed it on a new run so....yeah.

I still can't fine the 3rd Alon, please help me before i go chronically insane haha......hah.......heh

i still cant find the 3rd alon! the hint makes sense but i cant see him... can you maybe go a teeny bit more in depth?



Cooper looks super good! I'm happy he defended Luke when Teak lost his shit... I want to find out why does Teak hates Luke and humans so much... And I wonder, will Teak and Luke ever get along?

Awesome update as always!


Thank you, mate! Cooper is an exceptionally good boy! And I thought that people would like to see more Teak. You'll see him again at Rune's training!

well, it's true that it's been a while since last time we saw Teak... But... Uhh... No offense but I kinda dislike him for treating Luke like trash so I didn't really miss him... If in a future he acts nice I'll surely like him but not for now... I hope that doesn't offend you

Oh also! That where's Alon feature, is it available on Android too? Because I've been looking for him everywhere and I can't find him

And one more thing, please tell me Cooper will be Dateable

(1 edit)

Oh no, that doesn't offend me at all! He's supposed to be disliked by you at this point in the story so it's good you feel that way.

"Where's Alon" works on Android too, yes! I tested on my small phone screen and it was fine for me. If you don't find him, don't worry about that. He doesn't give you anything at this moment but just the satisfaction of finding him :D Although right now I'm coding in that finding him unlocks some stuff in the gallery so you may want to go and track him down next month ;)

Cooper will unfortunately not be dateable. :( He is already taken... by his devotion to his duty!

(2 edits) (+1)

WHAT?! Cooper will NOT be dateable?! but why? For the bit of story he seems to have a weird cute crush on Luke! You could take advantage of the whole situation to make a super cute route :(


Well, at least not in the Skies Ablaze, because he's kinda disabled for the day and I have other plans for him... but once we're done with Skies Ablaze and if people want a continuation, who knows! 


Why this update called the legendary seventh devlog lol😂.


I was thinking about Dragon Ball at the time and its seven legendary balls. Don't mind that :P

(1 edit)

The first ilustrated anal sex scene is from Thistle's story for Cooper? Or it's on another route and I missed it? By the way how do I get Burry Shirtless/without his armor?


Hey Raus, will the blowjob we gave to Alon affect somehow Luke's relationship with Burry in a future? I mean because if it does I'll start from the very begging and avoid Alon (even though I absolutely love him)

There is always a possibility that it may but I'd say that about any choices. I can't tell you anything for certain. For now you don't need to worry about that :)

(5 edits) (+4)

*Spoiler for a bomb code*

OMG, if you enter 6969, Alon will tell you "good job"


You're right, I should add something special there :P


Just started playing and I've already witnessed a musical (bomb?) And a gun-cane (it's just a gun lol) I am so ready for the cuteness and horror lol!


Imagine if they ever find out what the "cane" does XDXD


Who's the new dog in the banner?


(1 edit) (+2)

Pretty sure it's the squad leader that got injured during Teaks mission

Someone didn't read the story very well. What a shame!


Ohhhh i liked this one very much!! 

Im always hesitant to download when i see a rather small file size cause i dont wanna be disappointed right after the intro with a to be continued screen but i have to say, there is alot of content to be read here! I will look forward to the next update! 

And btw wooow either it is intended that way or im reaaaally good at avoiding nsfw scenes here xD- i had to practically search for those "dongs" and i only stumbled into the napping scene with burry after after going again and alot later i ran into Alons table, im not sure if there are currently any more scenes but i would love to know ^^

Aaand is there a way to review the scenes again? Like a gallary of sorts? I noticed it said that the scenes have been added or smth but i cant seem to locate them ^^"

Keep it up!~


Thanks mate! I use all the tricks I can to keep the game light in size, because I want to keep putting more assets :D

The only way to see the scenes is to play the game. There is one more big porny scene you haven't seen yet (+1 alternative to it). In the morning when Rune bothers you when you go into mana vision for the first time, do NOT whack him. If you're patient enough, you will unlock a big scene for the mid-day ;)


Will the dogs have human dongs like with the situation with Rune (the little shit)? Also Burry REALLY has it BAD for Luke, it's cute. Can't wait to see more of Teak and Burry (didn't thought I'd like Burry as much as I did, I was greatly surprised) Do you have an approximated idea when will be the next update?


I made a poll asking if people wanted me to put time into making the alternative Human Dongs mode for the game but the "that's knot necessary" option won by a landslide. That doesn't mean it will never happen, though. I'll definitely redo that poll in the future, just not for now.

If you're curious about the release dates, follow me on Twitter. It's very soon from now ;)


Oh lord, When Burry asks Luke how old he thinks he is, I typed 69 and the outcome made me laugh xD


I knew people would try that! :D



(2 edits) (+1)

I have One question about alon is he a dog or a wolf, i mean this vn is all about dog like what you said in your description up there?, but i always think he is a wolf since you use lone wolf to project alon lol but then i read your description again about this vn only about medieval fantasy dog and human and got little confused, welp one thing that I'm sure he is a canine and he is a good boi lol.


Yup, he's a wolf among dogs! A lone wolf...

Play through his scene and you'll have an option to talk about him with Burry at the cooking afternoon ;)

(1 edit) (+4)

Beautiful artstyle, Bury and Teak looks are my fav! The music, colors, sound effects are all great. Knowing that thre are updates to come...awesome. Simply fantastic job,         *gives head pats to the creator(s) as if they were doggos from their own game* 


It's just one me. I'll take all the pats! :D *gets patted*

Thank you! If you like Burry and Teak, I think you'll like Cooper in the incoming update :)

Well that's awesome that it's just you! You got a great imagination. And now I'm SUPER excited for the update. ^-^

How do I update the game, but keeping the saves and everything?


Hey mate! What system are you on? On Windows you should be able to just unpack the new build and the game would find your old saves if you have them. On android, you download the new build and install it (the phone will ask you if you want to "update" the app)

What about on mac os


So will each of the dogs with a route be available as an afternoon option? because as it is I only ever get the option of Alon or Bury, even though the text beforehand mentions Rune and Max.

On a related note, are all the dogs shown in the banner (Alon, Rune, Teak, Thistle, Max, and Burry) going to have a route, or are some of them side characters to another's route? (I ask because I struggle to see how Teak would be an option since he's so clearly into Max and so against the human)


Yes, some are side characters. Even the side characters get whole scenes dedicate just to them, though, so I don't stick to the idea of routes super strictly. But yeah, the "routes" that I can confirm for certain for now are Burry, Rune and Max.


Max is too cute, should be illegal


I managed to play all the game has to offer for now and I'm just gonna say, I love the idea and aspects of it, I can't wait for the future uodates

(1 edit)

How many Route are there? 

Pls help me. PLS give me step on how to unlock those Route 

Every time you reach the update ending credits, you first get instructions on how to unlock another scene if you missed something.


I'm curious to know how Luke and Teak are gonna reconcile their differences.

Bet he's a big happy drool boy deep down.

I also want him to share his mana-vision with all the doggos~ 


How can a single man hurt himself this much while cooking?! That scene was very nice, I'm looking forward to seeing more Burry! (Although Rune is best boy to me)

Good work out there. <3


Kitchen is a battlefield...

Thank you! We'll see much more of both Rune and Burry at the baths :D



when’s the next update 

So far I've been consistently updating at the end of the month on Patreon and a couple weeks later on itch. This month it will be the same :)

oh say less 


so yeah it's about that meat fruit, I'm little perplexed when im first read it, but after that im still focus in the storyline and forget about it, then i read the comments below and raus comments about imagine the tree, and this is how i imagine it, yeah its from resident evil 5 im watching that games playthrough rightnow,  so from what i see so far this world is like after war or after apocalypse world that wipe off almost all humans and technology they have, maybe war against aliens since shelter is like a spaceship afterall, so after few hundred year or something there is still monster around, and maybe some of it becomes neutral and not aggressive, this meat fruit tree maybe one of it, try imagine in the beginning this tree actually eating human alive and make them as nutrition to grow meat fruits that keep seed in it to grow another tree, but after there is no human around they start to eat animal and then they become less aggressive and then after there is not much animal around because they become more smart to avoid this three, this tree then become more like normal tree that's grow with soil that grow meat fruit from what dna they collect before in this case it's maybe animal meat fruit and not human meat fruit. But we still don't know it yet, if this meat fruit actually have human dna or animals dna, but if we trust our boys nose in this vn then if this meat fruit is dosnt smell like our human luke meat, then it's pretty safe to say it's more like animal meat than human meat the end of my conclusion lol.


Wait i need to add this WARNING CURSED COMMENT ABOVE 👆

Deleted 156 days ago

Yup! That's the core conflict for the whole Skies Ablaze event and I'm building everything around it. I hope you'll find the development and resolution interesting!

Thank you for your analysis and kind words!

Deleted 156 days ago



Now imagine a whole tree! 


...It would have cost you $0 to not say something like that, and yet you did... WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU CURSE US WITH SUCH A THOUGHT?! "Meat fruit" was more than enough of a cursed concept on it's own without... THAT being brought to our attention!


Be grateful I didn't draw the fruit skinned! And I was very tempted to!

I actually watched a rabbit skinning/de-boning tutorial on youtube to make sure I narrate that scene correctly. I can still see that gore when I close my eyes... o__o


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Relax, meat fruit doen't exist. It can't hurt you.

(2 edits)

Funny thing, this is only the Second game where i saw  meat harvested like from a farm. 100 points for anyone who knows which was the first one. xD

But yeah, the design for the meat fruit could have been a bit better.

the digimon world games? do i win xD?

Well, it was a pretty suggestive scene... in fact, I wondered if you weren't some kind of hunter for adding all those particulars xD
And well... if the purpose was to make us feel a bit like Luke in that moment, it worked :D

Where is my Bawwwwrry? I need cuddles :(

Now I want to see the whole tree...

this is what i imagine it, it's from resident evil 5 btw

meat fruit? *thinks of the Sweet Pool VN*

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm confused.. Didn't Alon have a scene where we would go under the table and.. y'know? I've gotten every ending you could get so far and you still can't do the scene, have you deleted it? Or are we supposed to do something specific? But besides all that, I love this amazing game of yours!! I see so much potential and can't wait for Max's update scene!! Alon and Max are so cutttee!!


You have to see Alon's appearance in "conversation about weapons" scene in any of your playthroughs. If you have seen it, in Alon's afternoon scene you should get a bonus dialogue option that would lead to what you seek ;)

We'll see more of Max at the baths and in his own afternoon hangout path so I hope you'll like it :)

(btw don't let Alon know you think he's "cute"! ;P)

(...I think so too, though)


Ah, got it! Thank you so much! Honestly, I probably wouldn't have liked "Shelter" this much if Alon weren't real X3 

Alrighty! I'll definitely keep up to date with all your updates!

(Aha, yeah I don't wanna get slit with any of his daggers so yeah, that's a good idea uwu)

Deleted 4 years ago

I'm looking forward to include more Alon too! He's been just as fun to write as I thought he would be :D

Yeah, Luke can be an airhead sometimes and Teak is an absolute jerk but they are all still good boys deep down. Their flaws create possibilities of interesting journey of improvement imo.

Thank you for your kind words. I'll keep doing my best! :)

Deleted 4 years ago

How  can I get to Burry's route? If he has one, I mean...

You started it in this update. It's not over yet and it's going to be continued :)

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm having the same problem...

I'm having the same problem :'(

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey mate! I removed it temporarily because it had a bug that made the game install as a new app instead of updating. I asked fellow VN developers for advice in fixing it but we couldn't. However, I know where I messed up and I know for sure that everything is going to work smoothly from the next month onward. In the meantime, if you have old save files, please move them to the new build's folder manually. That works for people.

The build is back up for download again.

Sorry for the mess up with Android build's this month. I was always so proud of how well it ran!

Quick update! Someone helped me fix that and I'm eternally grateful to them! If you haven't installed that old build file yet, please get the one that is available to download now and it should be working all fine :)

I'm so, so glad I could get that fixed before going to bed (2:30AM here now)! Zzzz

Deleted 1 year ago

And sorry spoiler but i always want to say this Luke is looks like a panda in this b!urry image

Haha yeah, kind of! :D

Um raus there is a little problem, So my android just instal the new version instead of update it, like it was a different apps is it some kind of bug or something?, and after that i delete the old one after its instal the new update, but i noticed a different, the old one 1.5 named shelterVN, but the new version 2.0 named shelter, maybe that's why android think it's a different app?, it's just my speculation though I'm not an experts or something.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I changed something I shouldn't have and returning to the old naming still doesn't make the app recognize the old build. My apologies. Now I know for the future what absolutely never touch and after talking with fellow VN developers I'm confident that this issue is never going to happen again. If you have old save files, please move them to the new build's folder manually. Sorry mate!

edit: found a fix! It works now :D


Welp i already deleted it though but No worries mate, it's not a big deal anyways,  i always play it from the start for every update and rarely use my save file, and since the vn still not to long(for now😁) it's really not a big deal, and i love this update btw, it's full with emotion and i really like your story 🥰. Keep it up raus we will always be here for you😉.

Dawww it really made me feel much better when you said that. Thank you :)

In the meantime... someone helped me fix that issue! So new people will be able to update normally with the newly updated build file :D Awoo~!

(1 edit) (+1)

I really liked the game. It has great lore(I LOVE GREAT LORES) with its own history and laws, good plot and nice characters(nice means well-written, even an asshole(whose name starts with T and end with K) can be a great character), the MC has a stated character. Excellent work.  However, there are a few small, subjective remark that I would like to make. First: Luke in some moments looks blank(not all the time, and it's better to be blank than  to be with "dumb protagonist"syndrome ) and the second: I need more Max. That's it. Yeah, that's the biggest problem for me. I want that cutie to be mine. Please, tell me he's going to get a route. And again, great job! 

Thank you! I'm happy you appreciate the "rude dog" too!

I promise you that we will have more Max. He has his own afternoon hangout route :) I hope you'll like it!

Deleted 3 years ago
(2 edits)

Really? That's weird...

Is it the same for everyone?

I'm doing tests now...

After tests:  I made a test "7th update" build and it updated our current build without any issues, keeping the old saves saves and all. It's either an issue on your end or something in between the 5th and 6th update. I'll ask people around if they encountered a similar issue to yours.

It's the same for me👋

I tested updating from Alon's to Burry's build and you're right, it's the same for me too. I'm working on fixing that. In the meantime, please move the save files manually to the new build like AK47...

It's fixed now! :D


yessss updateeee

Deleted 3 years ago

It's here now! :D

Deleted 3 years ago

This is a good anime plot. The classic human never give up and conqour challenges kinda vibe.


omg im so excited, i SOOOOOO want to spend the evening with burry, im dying inside, cant wait

Am I the only one having trouble with When I add the tags gay, furry ,visual novel I always only have the same 30 results and this game is not on the list for some reason, there is way more than 30 but I always land on them accidentaly. Because of that I'm pretty sure I missed a lot of great games like this one.

Anyone know why they don't show up?


You have to filter the content by explicit, I don't really know where is the option but supposedly you need to do that.

ty I finnaly can see them all, it's in the options you need to turn on "show adult content" I never noticed it before

(1 edit)

Glad to help and thanks for specifying :D

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