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Updated anything?

(2 edits) (+1)

I posted the newest build on Patreon yesterday. It'll be here on Itch on July the 10th :) 

If you want to be up-to-date with all updates, follow me on my Twitter


i was hoping to see more about Burry.. damn..well, i guess the longer the wait then better the reward will be :P


Awesome artwork and expressions!

Thank you! I love drawing expressions and my top priority for Shelter was to give every doggo a wide variety of them :D


Bomb has been defused, counter explosive spells win.


Congrats! The doggos are safe! \o.o/




Amazing art, charming characters and some familiar yet mysterious world building. It's certainly eye catching, good work guys


Thank you! I'm blown away buy people's positive reception! I hope you'll enjoy learning more about that works and its dogs :)


You sir.... You are sly. I saw what you did there. Chekhov's... Yeah i see what you are putting down and im picking it up. I like the world you built too. Just from what i have seen so far. Eager to see more of it. 


Hahaha yeah, those who got the joke know what's up ;P

I'm happy you like it! The next update shows a few new places and shares more information about Shelter. I hope you'll enjoy that :)

I will be eagerly awaiting your future content. Keep it going!~


This has been an absolute gem to find. Keep it up! Awoo~


Thank you! I will! I drew a lot of new backgrounds for the next one! \o.o/



What are you're guys update schedule for this visual novel?


So far I've been keeping to a regular monthly release. Next update is gonna be by the end of the month on Patreon and a couple weeks later on itch!

The changelog says that it's possible to unlock the human "dong" scene but i'm having trouble with it. Any hints you could give if at all possible?

P.S I think this game looks amazing so far so keep up the great work and know I check daily for updates just in case a new one drops.

I assume you have Rune's porny scene outside unlocked, with the dog dong?  You get an access to this scene at the end of your playthrough if you saw Rune's mana balls in the bomb investigation scene (by being patient and never whacking him when he bothers you)

You unlock the human dong alternative version of that scene when he asks you to help him with the one-on-one research and you REFUSE. ;)


The game itself gives you hints by simply playing it to the end.

If you're still having trouble, then please come back here with which part you're stuck in.

Played through and loved it so far, can't wait to see future update!

One thing i would like to know is if this vn is going for more of the dateable route type vn with multiple options or if it is a mostly linear story with maybe only a cannon romance or no romance entirely?

Also i would definitely like to see Max and Teak together at some point, they are just so cute!


Out of those two options, closer to the latter. The driving force of the plot is not romance, but romance is there too.

(1 edit) (+1)

Is it just a coincidence or have I just found a Mortal Kombat reference when the intimate moment with Rune? XD "Finish him!"

That was an unintentional reference, but those are the best! xD

There are many more intentional references spread in random places in the text and art but they are so obscure that most people won't notice lol

(6 edits)

this is just some friendly opinion, i hope you don't get offended or anything but... are you by any chance considering to add the option for us to give the name we want to the main character? Luke is fine don't get me wrong, but I think that if the characters do say our own names instead, it would feel more like they are actually talking directly to us, specially because the characters sprites are all directly looking at the player


I was thinking about that when I was setting the very first demo but I decided to keep to a set name because Luke isn't a blank slate character. He has a past and personality. He knows a lot more than the player and he shares that over time, at his own pace. The player only helps him make decisions in the frames of how he's pre-established.

But I saw a few people saying that they hoped to name Luke so someday I may make a poll about that and possibly add that option to be unlocked very early in the game, depending on the results...

(1 edit)

If that's the case then I definitely prefer him to have his own name, even if you end up giving us the chance to change it I'll stick to the name Luke

Same here, I personally prefer an established name if the protagonist has a set personality/story behind them.

Well... reading this plot couldn't keep my curiosity away for long from this game xD

I must say that the thing which I really like in this VN are the characters. They have all different personalities (and they are all good boys :D) and I really like all of them in different measures. Well... I guess it's redundant to say that my favourite at the moment is Rune (he's so silly but also such a sexy boy). I also like Burry who is so friendly and I think it would be the best cuddler of the pack, and I think I can change Teak's mind (at least I hope Luke can change his mind) on humans.
I agree with the thing said by Nirbak, I have not seen many VN with anatomically correct bits on the furry characters and I really love you choose this way as the main one (and I agree with Thistle, knots are the best :D)

I love not only how you draw your characters and their expressions, but also the backgrounds (they can do the difference and they really give an added feeling to all the scenes). I also love the humour of the story, and that nice idea of trying all the choices to unlock different scenes.

You are doing an excellent job and I'm looking forward to see more don... dogs xD


Thank you so much! Yeah, it's a lot of work to do the sprites, backgrounds, music and scripting/coding on my own but I really wanted Shelter's assets to be unique, with everything crafted for it from scratch. I'm getting so much support on Patreon now that I'm thinking about commissioning some competent people to help me with music and some of the backgrounds. I hope that that's gonna elevate the whole experience even further <3

I'm happy you're enjoying it so far! Look forward to more don... dogs soon ;)

Deleted 2 years ago

Haha yeah! Most of the furry VNs focus on human dongs exclusively so I took the matters in my own paws and made exactly what I wanted ;3  I'm happy that there's more appreciators of dog dongs around!

Cheer up! Changing jobs is often a blessing in disguise. Now with a richer resume, you're free to find an even better job than your last one! Best of luck with that, mate! Awoo~!

This game is lovely! I lived every single little bit! The dream sequence made me laugh so much! And i just couldn't help but love all your characters! Well... i still got a little sour because of Teak but that's fine, i'm sure he was just stressed ^^" and Rune is a certified good boi knucklehead, i love Thistle too! I can see myself chatting with that old dog constantly ^^ and Max is a really good boi too! What i'm trying to say is... all of them are good bois and you are a even gooder boi for being kind enough to make this game! So yeah! This is my review i guess ^^"

Dawww thank you! I'm so happy you like all the boys <3 I agree with everything you say. I would love to chat a lot with Thistle too! I also personally agreed with him on the "weapons" argument ;P

i have to agree, his "weapon" argument is really compelling xD

is there going to be a proper Alon route ?, if so is there anything at the current build i can do to make him sort of fond of me, like building a good first reputation with him or something?, it would be great to know how (if there is one) thanks.

It's all work in progress and there's no affection points system or anything like that yet. But theoretically, if we had the Alon route in the future, I imagine that right now the options that would benefit him would be to use a PIN number he wouldn't disapprove on and going through the "weapons" conversation in late morning. :)

ok thanks very much !!

I wonder if Luke will appear in front of everyone

In an artwork? Eventually, probably yeah! I've been sketching him :D

Thank you for letting me know that thank you for your hard work

I mean, there was a little "teaser" on one of the flashbacks...

Burry is Best Boy and no one can convince me otherwise. He is a big, fluffy, caring sweetheart and deserves all the pets and bellyrubs.

Max feels like the best friend for sure and he really deserves someone who loves him.
I want to get a Spray-Bottle to spray Teak in his face when he misbehaves, but I do think that him and Max would be a cute couple.

That funny banter between Rune and Thistle is also something that I really enjoy.

Alon seems like a good guy as well and I'm really looking forward to learn more about him.

Dawww I'm glad you like Burry :) He hasn't had enough screen time yet and I'd like to change that in the afternoon section!

The spray bottle idea sounds hilarious! xD Maybe eventually we could utilize something like that in a scene, one way or another :D

Thank you for your feedback! It's helpful to know what people think about the dogs :) *wagwag*

Burry is absolutely my favorite, but I do have a soft spot for big cuddly guys like him. And I’m really excited for the next update, regardless if there is more Burry-Time or not. :)

If you end up using it you are very welcome. xD So far the humor-elements were really funny and made me giggle (which is quite rare since I’m usually a sarcastic trashcan). 

that Sbernard is just too cute right, i can't wait to see him arms spread... really looking forward to his route, the first time i saw him i just say to miself: YESSSS thats the one i want :P

Same here,  Burry really was an instant favorit for me and I can't wait to see more of him.

This is one of the best yaoi/furry vn i ever played

Two question: Will there be Teak scene in the next build? and when will the next build released?

Rlly having fun playing this


I'm happy you like it, mate! <3

Teak isn't going to have a dedicated scene in the next build but he may appear here and there randomly, like the other dogs did in his scene. I feel like Burry and Alon need more screen time now :)

I post a new build around the end of every month for my Patreon supporters (last one was 26th I think). I'll share the next build on itch roughly two weeks after the supporters release. I hope you'll enjoy it! :) I'll make a devlog about it!

Heya hope u havin a good day. 

Just want to say, I really love this game, the art style, the overall vibe/atmosphere is really good, and im looking forward for the future of this game, atm I really hope we can romance Teak, even though he is an ass to Luke, im still drawn to him 😆 and I hope there will be a story behind why he hates humans, overall good job and hopefully many more updates to come until this VN have its ending, it's rare to see VN nowadays that finishes their story, but I hope this is different cause this sure is something special.

(1 edit)

I'm kinda surprised that Teak is so popular xD I really expected him to be disliked by people!

In the end, he is too much of a good boy overall after all!

I planned out the Skies Ablaze in a way to guarantee that you get satisfying, self-contained story by the end of the night :)

Im sure you mentioned this before but is Time missing a hand? I'm really sure that he is, but I've had instances where I thought a character was missing a hand only to find out that they just keep their hand bent back. Also I are we gonna find out how the hand and his ear got injured? I'm not asking to find out now, I'd rather wait to play because this is honestly such an amazing game! I personally really like Teak, which seems to be the general consensus, and even if he doesn't become a romancable option I'd still think it'd be really cool to hang out with him and get closer, or maybe even play matchmaker for him and Max! As you can probably tell alot of my enjoyment from these types of games comes from the connection that I feel for the characters. Sure the NSFW stuff is fun, but the reason that I'm always drawn to games like your's is the sheer amount of effort clearly put in by creators such as yourself. You make me really connect and feel for a character! This project is just getting started, but I can already tell that this game will probably have some moments that'll make me so sad for my big doggos, and others that will make me squeel from excitement whenever they blush! I am unfortunately unable to support you on Patreon due to being a student, as well as the Covid situation. So I hope that seeing just how much I enjoy playing this game is ok for now. I'd really love to support this and other projects of yours in the future, and I can't wait to see what happens in the next update!!! Much love, and I hope your doing ok in these trying times. Stay safe, and thank you for creating such an awesome game!

You probably mean Rune, right? Yeah, he's missing his dominant right hand and right eye. We're going to find out how that happened and it's going to play a role in the future.

Teak was supposed to be just a side character but he's so cool and fun to write that he may end up with a more important role than initially planned :)

I'm doing very well, thank you! Having words of support and encouragement like yours motivate me a lot! Thank you for enjoying Shelter! <3

I hope you're doing okay too! Take care, mate!

Hey I was just curious, is there a guide to the game? If you want do certain routes.

The amount of content is steadily piling up so I was thinking about starting to put down a flowchart with requirements to unlock scenes and the exact effects of each choice. I'll probably share it with the Beta Testers tier supporters on Patreon. That's something to do this month...

Cool. Also I wanted to say that I'm enjoying the game very much. Rune is probably my current favorite.

(1 edit)

I'm having serious trouble with having to restrain myself from smacking Teak behind his big head for being a colossal racist against Luke 😠. Liking the game and want more. :) 


You actually get to smack him right in the snoot if you cheat at arm-wrestling! :P 

I'm happy you like it! I'm working on the next update already :)

(1 edit)

Oh, didn't knew you could smack him on the sniffer, but won't that make him dislike you more?. I'm so excited to hear that you're already working on the next update! Can't wait! :) 

(1 edit)

i cant believe that when a play this vn a would want to play it again good work.

Haha thank you! There's a lot to see on multiple playthroughs and some scenes are hidden until you unlock them :) I'm happy you're having fun with it!

I have a problem that Alon seems to disappear

Deleted 4 years ago

Fixed and reuploaded the files. It's all good now! :)

Thank you so much for spotting that! I reworked sprites code for all the dogs and I somehow missed Alon. Stealth is in character for him though! :P

Haha you're welcome, and Rune is awesome

had realized that issue too, dug through the files and renamed the images to what they were labeled as in the scripts

thx for the early update here on itch, loving this VN, the best of lucks

You're welcome, mate! I didn't want to make you wait too long :)

Thank you!

mmm. just one think i notice, in the scene with teak, the scar on his left shoulder just dissapear after max drop their pants. btw nice!!! :P

Oh wow, you're right! I'll get that fixed for the next time I re-upload the files. Thank you for spotting that! And I'm glad you're enjoying it <3

It is an incredible game, I really enjoyed playing it

(1 edit)

I'm glad! I hope you'll enjoy playing the latest update, then! I posted it just now :D Three new scenes plus one more in an alternative version!

will this have Mac version or no ?

The latest build v.0.1.3 on Patreon has Mac version added and people say it works well! :D I plan to make that update public here on itch on the 1st of June, in two days!

It's quite a big one so I hope you'll like it :]

thanks ^^

(1 edit)

This.Game.Is...GREAT!!!! I hope to see mooorrreeee

Thanks mate! I'm borking on it!

What time is the next update?


I do updates roughly one month apart each. Expect the itch public release it at the beginning of June :)


i really REALLY want this game to have a Mac version. :c I started reading it on my old Dell computer but it's not what i use most by far. Pleaseeeee lol

I'll look into that for the next update but I remember I tried to export an iOS build for a friend and I couldn't do that because Apple actually requires me to have a Mac to be able to compile those builds. Maybe Mac builds are different, we'll see!


Man, I can't decide who do I like the most.

I do like Alon a lot, because mysterious and a lone wolf which for me exudes the feeling that it's gonna be quite an achievement if I can get close to him. And I also like him because stealthy and I like stealth. (Dishonored - no kill and ghost on all missions) Though I don't like that he smokes.

I also like Max. Such a cute nerd. (I'm a technology - mainly IT and electronics - myself)

Teak is such a huge good boy. Though still hot-tempered. And what is his problem with Luke?!

I'd love to smother my face in Burry's neck fluff. Though I'm not much into big bellies.

And Rune. Such a hot muscly husky. Though kinda a dumbass in my eyes, but a funny dumbass.

Thistle. Nah, I'm generally not much for old guys.

You see why I can't decide?! They all have their pros and cons. And I'm still gonna give Thistle a chance. Though I feel like leaning towards Alon and Rune in that order.

And to top of my honesty I do ship Teak and Max. A small nerd with a big muscly fighter, yes please.

Rune...  drools....

this a very unique and interesting story with hot and well thought characters

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm looking forward to NSFW stuff, but I'd love to see SFW CGs here and there! The characters are so adorable, I'm sure it'd be the cutest thing!


I plan to do those too! Definitely in the afternoon when you get to hang out one-on-one with your dog of choice, after the tavern work is over for the day. I'm looking forward to those :)


will Teak be a romance option? I love his character!

Hey! I'm happy you like him! :D

I'd like to include some romance for each dog and the popularity polls will influence which one will get theirs first. Romancing Teak would be an interesting experience... <3 He's a good boy

(1 edit) (+2)

I have a question: I REALLY, REALLY like Teak. Is he going to be a romanceable route? Will we be able to romance him?

I'm happy you like him! The relationship between him and Luke is a bit tense but anything is possible. I'd like all of the main dogs have some romance scenes and it'll depend on popularity polls on Patreon who will get them sooner.

Personally I'm excited for Teak's romance scenes too exactly because there's conflict between him and Luke. That will be interesting. And I'm sure  it would be worth it to give him a chance :)

Why the conflict though? Teak comes off as an asshole to the MC, without MC doing anything to him, he also seem to have a problem with humans in general. (he's a bit speciesist if you ask me...) 

That's something to find out :)

Teak is a good boy, though!

I hope so. 

(3 edits)

Could someone tell me how does downloading updates work? (I'm a beginner on this website) bc when someone release a update on some vn I end up uninstalling the whole game and reinstalling it again. There must be easier and less problematic way to install updates. Right? (pls send help) 

Hey there! I'm still at the early stages of development so please do it like you've been doing for now. Especially since this build's content starts before the events of the first one anyway.

So for this demo I recommend uninstalling the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience! I'm sure I'll figure out a more convenient way once we get more content and the updates don't alternate the code so much. It's still a learning process to me too :)

I meen... I'm ok with uninstalling and reinstalling, bc I literally forget about everything in my life, so refreshing my memories with replaying especially this vn is actually good, bc it's new, cute and amazing✨🌼

(1 edit) (+1)

Seriously, the more I play Shelter the more I love it! 

I laughed a lot with Rune lol he is a dork, damn I love him! He is my favorite:3 Max and Teak are so cute too and I absolutely love their attitude ^w^

Oh and the musical instrument thing got me nervous AF lol

You are doing a great job :3 keep it up!


Hahaha I love Rune too! And it looks like generally he's people's favorite because I'm currently hosting a popularity poll on Patreon to decide which dog will get some bonus dirty artworks and he's winning by a landslide xD Look forward to that!

I'm happy you enjoy it. I hope you'll stay for more :)

Well I'm not surprised he is winning hahaha I mean he is cute, sexy and funny, the absolute best!

And I really love shelter so yeah I'll stay until the end ;3

Very nice VN. Looking forward to continue reading. Thumbs up.

Maybe a Spoiler:
One should not beat dogs, soooo glowing undercarriage became visible :p 


*thumbs up back*

Good job on finding the "Easter eggs"! :3

(1 edit) (+1)

For being your first visual novel its reeeeeealy well made ,good job

Thank you! I'm doing my best and having a lot of fun with it! :)

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