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OH MY GOD, i just got the "shelter" pun. I'm so stupid.


...wait, does Alon get mad at "pinkie swear" because it has "pink" in it?


Question, when the good ending for Skies Ablaze comes out, what will happen next? I mean, are we going to experience what would be "normal" days at Shelter, explore, see more places, play more minigames, interact more with all the dogs in a non-fatal situation or festive event, unlock more things and functions of Shelter, etc.


I would love more slice of life content, even if it's just a spinoff.


"Fourth howl" showing up has me feeling the most pumped and excited for a story to date. Thank you for all the work you've put into this project!

Hi guys, does anyone know where you can download music and ambient music from the game to your phone?

I have a question ❓ 

So the paw print logo shows 2 blank spots, does that mean there's still 2 more routes to go ?

The invite link to The discord doesent work


I really enjoyed time spent with Copper even if it short amount of time we get to know him, best dog in my mind the coolest and kindest (latter Burry then Rune, Max just a friend)

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Dont forget about Alon, that pinky cutie

Specialy at the barkest corner 


I look at Alon as a rival, draw a thin line especially when he talk about Copper


Poor best boi Alon, 10/10 very scary and not at all adorable. Would hug, but in a terrified way, rest assured.


This plot twist was so good that even though I didn't fully understand it I was shooketh to the core. Wish I could go on Twitter to see the new art that's gonna come but unfortunately Elon Musk's dumbass powerplay got it banned here in Brazil. Anywoo, can't wait for the next update!



help im missing a misterios figure in "the palace of crimson rouge" i have no idea were to look

It is somewhere near the top left corner. Increase brightness and click randomly there if you still can't find it. Also note he appears only after the loud sound is heard.

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Odd question, does reproduction work in this universe?? Because I swear the only woman I've seen even mentioned in this game, is Mother Earth >.>

Oh, and is Max meant to have his backstory added to his bio at this point, or should I just not worry about it lol


I think women don't exist? Like, if there were women, then the dog breeds would have gotten all jumbled over the years, so I think the way they've squared that circle is by removing women and so procreation can be single parent. Like the moment where I really became certain of this was when Rune said "fatherhecker". Mothers don't exist. (or that's what I think anyway.)

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I was not expecting Max to become Midoriya from Mha, and I audibly chuckled when he [SPOILER]...and then the also mha-esque soundtrack started playing at the same time, and I lost it xD

Never played a VN like this before, and probably never will again. Oddly enough, it's structured like Undertale in the sense that you have to redo the same day over and over again to get the best result! (not to mention the npc that mocks you at the end of each run lmao)

I'm not entirely finished with it yet, but after probably a full day of playing, I think I'm almost there. And wow do I have a lot of thoughts about this game, but for now, I just want to thank you for making it! And for making it so accessible :D!! I'm definitely gonna remember this for a while.

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Hey Whurlak, Sam, I deleted your comments because Sam confirmed something that hasn't actually been publicly confirmed yet, only in Patreon build, so it was a spoiler.
I'll delete this comment too in a day or so 🐶

Edit: sorry Sam, I deleted it yet again lol. Nowhere in the public announcements is it said clearly, only hinted, but never spelled out. Only people who played the Patreon build would know for certain, and from the feedback I got they were surprised. Text me on discord if you want to talk about it.

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Ok im barely into the game literally like just past the competition with Teak, literally the start. actually idk how long this game is but whatever thats besides the point. 

I literally made an account to say how much i HATE Teak, every time he opens his mouth he makes my blood boil because hes just being the worst. He mocks Luke for DOING HIS JOB because as far as im aware Luke literally owns the shelter. like, what an ass. He serves you beer. gives you money or whatever idk for the stuff you find. and then you treat him like actual dirt. i hope he either SIGNIFICANTLY improves or i will be a permanent hater.

as for the rest of the game so far its wonderful, love the music ive heard, the concepts are interesting , the art is wonderful and as much as i hate teak i assume thats the point. its getting emotions out of me and thats what a vn is supposed to do and its the first vn to actually do that, especially only like an hour in (give or take especially cause i talk to myself while playing vns). 10/10 so far if theres ever a time to ditch teak i will take it regardless of the repercussions he is the no.1 op rn.

ik i shouldnt have such strong opinions so early but goodness gracious he is the worst and to get such a rise out of me means he is written well because i have never cared so deeply before about anyones downfall, let alone a fictional characters

Reading feedback like this always makes my heart swell with pride. Thank you for hating Teak ❤️


Got an ending, a real ending not a silly one, and holy shit the writing is good. The characters feel believable and now that i know more about the world and how it works, the other dogs turning a blind eye to teak makes sense. ive only done one ending but man most people are awful to luke i hope there is a more uplifting ending tucked away somewhere. ill have to play more when im less busy. keep up the good work!


i recommend you actually go over and play all the different route, you will not be disappointed. you still have to see a lot trust me, also i take this occasion to thank rasumutt for this INCREDIBLE vn i literally tattooed the shelter logo in my arm TOP FAVORITE

Omg really? Text me on discord or DM me on Twitter please, I want to see it!🐶

sry i'm too shy to do that XD i did drink a bit to be able to write that

Oh i plan on it. Its very well written, while not my favourite the artstyle is very nice and i assume there is more nsfw scenes but i didnt find myself playing for them like i usually do, like i actually want to see the story. im looking into a lot of vns rn and i should just stick with one and do all of that at once i am very scatter brained and cant keep my focus on one thing for long. ill make more comments about my feelings on each route as i find them. Ik theres stuff you unlock by doing the routes so after i do burry and rune ill redo max, just to see if i can use the canine magic properly because i did see that it gave me a notif to tell me i couldnt do it. that implies i can find a way to be able to do it..

dw take your time enjoy things at your own pace i'm sure you know yourself way better than anyone else


Is there a cooper route? If so how to I get to it? He's adorable lol


Wish Shagbark did it with Luke 😋


Just finished all 3 routes after following Shelter's updates for a year, and honestly.....this is one of the best FVN's out there dude! The endings are hilarious with Alon. The way the choices, Minigames and QuickTime events affect the story is nice! The backstories are very emotional and made me care about Shelter and its characters. The Action scenes are some of the best....nah they ARE THE BEST! Shelter is so innovative and original!

This is also one of the few FVN's where I enjoyed reading the NSFW scenes since they were so creative. This VN's music is also Amazing!!

If you're reading this I want you to know that you and all who supported did a stellar job! I love how you included fanart at the end of each update and news for upcoming builds. Really added a cool personal touch to this masterpiece

ADHD or TLDR: 10/10 VN would recommend yada yada amen 🙏❤️


Dawww thank you mate! It's my passion project and I love experimenting and having fun with it. We're still not done, so I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming content too <3 Thank you for the kind words!


The King responded!! 💯

Of course man! You deserve all the love for such a wonderful novel you've made. If I could, I would erase my memory just to have a fresh playthrough again. Can't wait to see what surprises you have in store for these next builds!


Another incredible ending with more than enough dongs to satisfy the whole pack~! 😊

It’s seriously been a crazy journey since that first “Knot talk” scene xou released as a demo years ago

Thank xou so much for all the hard work xou put into each update! 😁


damn you just made me remind of those moment its incredible its been so many years already


It’s crazy, right? I remember stumbling upon the demo and knowing right away that this project would be epic~ 😁


yeah! and we weren't wrong at all,

actually its funny cause this VN accompanied me along the most important part of my life and i feel pretty interwined with it even considering that i kinda lived something similar as the main character (i mean the not fitting in my group/getting bullied by one of em and nobody noticing part and not being in place full of dogs) and in a sense even helped me learn a lot about myself and going out of my shell.

but seriously this VN is just incredible i've never seen anything that actually have world building + character design + story and even an entire cultural psycological aspect behind everything that comes from aforementioned world building its just crazy how everything is spot on 


It’s amazing that a VN can do that for us, right? 😌There are a few projects that have helped me in similar ways - shaped me into the person I’ve become - so I can most certainly relate

Raus actually had a comic on FA (which is sadly no longer there) that had similar themes to Shelter, so with how much world building he’s put into this project - and how much personal experience - I’m sure it’s an idea he’s built over a lifetime.

It’s been such a great experience to be part of the journey 😁


Reading you guys makes me blush. When I was starting, my creative goal was "if it makes at least one person's life better in some way, even by just giving them something exciting to look forward to, just like I got excited for new episodes of my tv shows in my childhood, then it's worth it. (assuming I don't starve in the process)"

Thank you for your kind words. They fuel me to keep doing all of it 🐶❤️



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or alon... mmmh

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What happened at the end of flashback? Can anyone explains? Things just go boom.

And I believe after the get a glimpse of clarity dues to it nature. I assume the cat would, still forget. But now he have some sense, a nack feeling that told him what he need to know that his country lied to him and all that.

Or possibly the remaining of Luke crystals are used for the cat to keep them remember?

So at end of Max route they still leave Shelter to avoid war alongs with others dog?

What's with blueballed counts? Cooper kiss is a tease in further updates isn't it :))?

Hey could someone tell me where is the mysterious figure of palace of crimson royal grove?


Lol. Copper's kiss🤡🤡. It's so painful to see these 2 words, and you don't get to see it 🥲

Deleted post

I'm one of them too lol. He's my favorite!

That's Raus tease isn't it? It hasn't updated that part right :')?

Also blueballed counts?


Can you handle a doggy orgy .


hey i got a question (spoilers ahead)

When you progress in the game further in any of the routes when Teak comes in the baths Max offers to continue with the duel there (the dicks comparison). However, even if you choose any of the previous challenges like boulder parchment shears max will always mention the dicks comparison. (i did choose the dick comparsion but then i deleted the save file and started anew with the other choices but still the same result. Its not only with the challenges but with almost all the choices the game will just proceed with whatever you choose first even if you delete the save and choose something else you will be given the dialog that comes with whatever you intially chose despite starting a new safe. Is this normal or did i mess something up somehow? Also how do i fix it?

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10th or 11th, i think, i forgot how many awoos the early release rally got

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Yeah I think so

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This game is truly amazing ive never spent so much time playing a vn i love this game in every way but i have a question and its a spoiler for sure.    

I accidently clicked no to deleting all of my data for the special image from alon after beating the game twice and i really want to see it i would have no problem deleting all of my data but i simply cant again and i cant find the image anywhere online is there any other way to find it?


i loved the steven universe refrence


Which one? There's many! :D


Whaa? I thought it was only the one in the baths! I will look for more


Wha-? There is?!?

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I love it. But maybe keep the character name instead of "Me" cause it's quite confusing.


Also please give Cooper a route. My big shy cuttie deserve to live with his crush (aka Luke)

i'm so confused,

 in a good way



So Alon next? 👀


Yes! It’s cool that Max’s route is finished but I think everyone is truly excited at this being one more step towards an Alon route.

Deleted 97 days ago

Jest re-read all the routes 3 times (amazing writing and story telling BTW) and after going through all the world building and lore I have one major question...


This question might be bugging me but I'm okay with not knowing if it is to be revealing later

Male-preg of course :)).

I thought that too at first but  because of what I know about how mana acts in the balls and cum, the little bits I know about how reincarnation works in this story, and the fact that even though we never see any females we know that the ancients had them but they vanished for some reason. All of that made me think it might not be that simple... Or it is and I'm just going way to deep on this...


Damn, I wish I can forget my memories and experience the pure happiness that I first experienced from reading this fantastic VN again, AHHHHHHH LOVE IT!


i forgot the name of the big meany but i wanna bang him so hard




yes he is hot and he doesnt liike me that hurts


damn, I kinda did the opposite, I dated max only to take the guy who likes from him


Can you drop Shelter sound track on spotify, cause the music is so freaking great,  i love all the song so much, especially Max and Luke song 😭


There is a playlist on YouTube 

there’s been a lot more teak hate here.

Did something happened to him in recent updates?

It really starting to look like there will be no route for him in the future…

It’s a real shame, I hope we can a least get one sex scenes that involves him.

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The only time Teak is ever mentioned again after the Bath scene is during Cooper's Rescue Mission. Where he desperately wants to get over to where the giant monster is, until he forgets all memories of Teak and get attacked. Which mean he was the giant monster and he's gone for good, unless they have Luke pull some Groundhog Day shenanigans and rescue him. I say good riddance to the racist.

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There is an inversion effect when they talk about him, that's the same inversion effect that happens on rune's backstory when they talk about someone who was corrupted. That means he was corrupted, so the racist is gone for good!

Also, it's implied he was the one who severed the cables at the station, causing the shutdown. 

I kinda hope he at least gets a scene where he regrets his actions against the MC before being corrupted, idk

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Who's next on the list?


im waiting and hoping alon will have a route

He does

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